If you would like to be a member of the Targeted Justice Legal Action, please fill out and submit the form below. We understand that some people may not be comfortable providing certain information. We will still consider you for membership. In that case, there is a questionnaire below the form you can fill out to get more information about Targeted Justice. Feel free to submit your email information and questions, and one of our team members will respond back to you. You can always update your information at a later date.
We are currently experiencing website problems. Please copy and past the questions below into an email.
Please send your answers in the email to: [email protected]
We are currently experiencing website problems. Please copy and past the questions below into an email.
Please send your answers in the email to: [email protected]
If you would like to volunteer, please contact us.
Please see the Affidavits Page, for providing other information.
Purpose & Cost
The purpose of Targeted Justice is to end both government and private sector abuse to Targeted Individuals. We are doing this through numerous strategies, including public awareness and legal action. Do you want to join our pursuit of legal action?
Is there a cost? It is free at this time.
Can you withdraw later? Yes.
There is no commitment at this time. This is an interest list only. We are at the beginning stages at this time, but fully understand the urgency, as so many are suffering.
Targeted Justice is not a law firm and does not provide legal advice. Targeted Justice or any individual representing Targeted Justice cannot promise or guarantee any outcome by a judge or jury in a court of law. Targeted Justice is held harmless and cannot be held responsible for any claims that you might relinquish as a result of considering or joining any legal action with Targeted Justice. Any opinions expressed by members, are the sole opinion of the individual. Please consult an attorney for legal advice.
Each participate will be requested to submit Freedom of Information Act requests to the appropriate Government agencies. This is a necessary step before any lawsuit. A template form will be provided.
Medical HistoryEach participant will need to gather relevant medical history, PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT MEDICAL DATA AT THIS TIME. You will be informed when and how this information should be sent.
Personal TimelineEach participant will need to gather their personal history and timeline. PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT THIS INFORMATION YET. We will provide a secure method for this at a later date. Please start gathering this information for yourself.
RF Scan
Each participant will be asked to provide documents, if they have them, to support technical details, such as Radio Frequency scans, abnormal metal objects, that may be involved. This will be part of the technical information to prove the case. Later, we will provide details on where you can get the scans performed. |
Expert Witness/Pictures
If you have credible witnesses to some of the criminal activity, or pictures and videos - this may be helpful in the case histories. Please save this information and we will collect it, when we reach that phase. We recommend making back-up copies and printing hard copies of all material. |
All Targeted Individuals are encouraged to write and publish their story. Here is a free template that can be used to publish on Smashwords.com (it costs nothing). The ebook you publish will be distributed to bookstore retailers, such as Barnes And Noble, Apple iBooks, - all over the world. https://www.rlighthouse.com/store/p128/Ebook_Template.html
We are still early in this process.
We understand you have many questions and suggestions. Please understand that we are very early in this process and are developing the requirements for presenting our case. Your support and patience are requested. This is a large effort and we are working diligently to achieve a successful outcome. Thanks for your support. Targeted Justice is not a legal firm and does not provide legal advice. Please contact an attorney for legal advice. Targeted Justice is not a medical facility and does not provide medical advice. |