U.S. Code: title 18 part I Chapter 113C 2340C Electronic Torture Act
ᵷ 2340C This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the Electronic Torture Act
(a) A corrupt organization centrally coordinates an abundant of crimes against an individuals’ knowing and willingly course of conduct that inflicts extreme and inhumane pain and suffering on a specific person by impetuously and covertly inflicting grave bodily injury for the rest of the victim’s life. These injuries are mostly imperceptible or often seem to have naturally occurred and are perpetrated in such a sophisticated and malicious method as to render the victim’s torture complaint perceived as delusional or paranoid. Prior to the enactment of this chapter, the police and federal agencies have instantaneously dismissed the victim’s complainants presumptuous that the victims are delusional or paranoid and are mistakenly detaining the victim’s in psychiatric institutions for observation. Electronic Torturing has a major influence on an individual's health; it can cause memory loss which transforms into early Alzheimer's, and attributes into cell damage of the brain. It can cause rape of an individual, sleep deprivation, ptosis of the eyelids, irritable bowel syndrome, destroys the nervous system, respiratory system, muscular systems and Neurological system of a victim or person. It can cause nausea and a feeling of malaise, tinnitus, tremors, seizures, radiation which in return can cause cancer, destroy human tissue, cortical and autonomic consequences, heart attacks, depression, mania, anxiety, phobia, ear damage, auditory nerve damage, produces muscle spasms, damage to the auditory cortex, irrational behavior, and physical damage to organs. It also may perhaps penetrate to the vestibular organ with sufficient strength for stimulating the exquisitely sensitive vestibular hair cells. Nose Bleeds, Loss of balance, seizures, and headaches, rectal bleeding are also symptoms that may occur due to the connection of the brain through the neural circuitry and central nervous system. Although no one knows what causes Parkinson’s disease it is possible that radiation and microwave attacks can be a leading role and Morgellons disease can also be included within and produce side effects from the non-lethal weapons that produces sever itching, burning sensations, and cause an adverse effect to form silk like substance to emit out of a person’s or individuals body.
(b) The purposes of electronic torture are known to alter the human mind and behavior without authorization and consent of the person. Electronic Torture is a form of psychological warfare and social engineering tactics that alters the persons thoughts views and perspectives and religious beliefs. It also a form of video voyeurism that sexually assaults the victim or person to Violate their privacy, their privacy, first amendment rights, perform cruel and unusual punishment under the eight amendments. The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th, amendments are all being violated. The use of Electronic Torture through electronic weapons, electronic devices and non-lethal weapon systems allows the victim to be discredited when filing a complaint to any law enforcement and federal agencies. The victim of Electronic Torture is forced involuntarily into mental institutions and forced on medication by the court systems without taking a proper report or providing a proper investigation. Altering the mind and behavior of a person is inhuman, interfering with neurological receptors of the brain circuits and direct access to the memory, to lose functions and capabilities of a person’s body. Discrediting any non consensual person or experimentation subject, punishing the victim for crimes that the victim has never committed or prosecuted by a judge, jury or tried in court. Electronic Torture is used to coerce the victim under control and manipulation of the torturers organizations and force the victims to do vicious acts upon society that the victim’s do not want to commit but are manipulated to commit through the psychological warfare and social engineering tactics. Through the use of non-lethal weapons, electronic devices and electronic weapons systems remotely induce, control, and influence a victims or persons body function and body movement, through different methods such as movement pairing, motion-to-motion capture, and manipulation of the nervous system.
(c) Electronic Torturer perpetrators intentionally select survivors of abuse, so the victims are easily controllable, victims with disabilities so they cannot earn a proper income, afford assistance and support. Victims 4 | Page who have committed crimes in the past whether they be misdemeanors, traffic violations, lower economic status, so the victim cannot afford the appropriate help they need by funding or resources given to them by the public. Through the process of which Electronic Torture is organized slander and defamation of character is often used on the victim or person and provides hardships on the victim’s lives. Electronic Torture wreaks havoc on a victims and their family’s life. It causes families to disfunction and isolate victims or person from their loved ones, which causes separation from family, divorces, terrorizations to loved ones and recurring emotional hardships. Electronic Torture produces financial hardships and unpredictable medical expenses, that can drive an individual to loss of income by getting victims or person by forcing untimely employment separations and early termination. Electronic Torture forces the victim or person to move, by using non-lethal weapons, electronic weapons and electronic devices and frequently cause homelessness. Electronic Torturers serves’ the purpose of extra-judicially punishing the victim or person with the use of electronic weapons, electronic devices, and non-lethal weapons, till either victim or person is killed as a result of injury caused by the weapons systems or the victim or person commits suicide as a result of withheld assistance, support, and investigation by law enforcement and federal agencies.
(d) Electronic Torture is an invasion of privacy and considered crimes against humanity and is mass genocide. Using Electronic devices, It can result into identity theft, access to bank accounts, stolen social security numbers, embezzlement, and fraud. Using electronic devices can affect a victims or persons computer by hacking computers, laptops, Tablets, cellular devices, landlines and alter social media accounts, emails, photos, images, and videos. Electronic Tortures can access home security systems, vehicles and put an individual's life or lives of other individuals into danger, by using electronic devices, non-lethal weapon systems, electronic weapons, IR sensors, and RFID. Electronic Torture has a detrimental effect on society, the use of electronic weapons and electronic devices can alter and manipulate voter fraud and manipulation, mental health crisis and steal the victims or persons intellectual property. By the use of electronic devices, the Electronic Torturers can break into a victim or persons home, vandalize, steal, and destroy the victims or persons personal property. The Electronic Torturers can inflict harm and injury on pets and animals, through the use of non-lethal weapons, electronic weapons, RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) chips and electronic devices. The Electronic Torturers can drug or poison a person, victim, or pet as well.
(e) Through different forms of technology, planes, drones, aerial and vehicular units, BCI, HCI, AI, AU, AR, VR, Holograms, Projections, Wireless Communications (5G, 2.4ghz), Bluetooth, ULF, UHF, VHF, VLF, Radio Towers, Radio Frequencies, Scalar Waves, Sonic Energy, Solar Energy, lasers through the use of telecommunications in the forms of waves, beams, pulse, streams, signals, and directional antenna systems are the means of which the criminals are using on the victims of electronic torture. The criminals are using different technologies with computers, networks, virtual machines, smart and interactive hub systems, cloud services, virtualization systems, wireless technologies, MVON (Mobile Virtual Operating Networks), Cryptocurrency, bitcoin, remote access, to all forms of the victims electronic devices, communications, and electronic transactions. With help from law enforcement technologies/software, firearm management/control systems, broadcasting systems, remote/online access, criminals can access the network using Radio Frequencies to attack the victim with different forms of electronic devices, non-lethal weapon systems, and lethal weapon systems.
B: DEFINITIONS OF ELECTRONIC TORTURE: In order to secure exemption surrounding organized violence, torture organizations continually engineer and can commit new, diverse, inventive, and sophisticated covert forms of subjugation violence by law enforcement agencies and the given techniques of crime prevention, under the guise of Brain Initiative Act, Energy Efficiency Act, Pre-crime, Intelligence-LED Programs, Facial Recognition Systems, Automated License Plate Readers, Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems, CP3, and more. Acts that constitute as “Electronic torture” under this chapter shall be prosecuted, even if acts of Electronic Torture occurred before January 1, 2022. This Legislature’s purpose is to prevent any and all forms of organized violence, which have escaped law enforcements and federal agencies detection and prosecution. ᵷ2430.5 For the purpose of this chapter the following definitions apply:
(a) “Organized Stalking” means the systematic surveillance and harassment of a specific person by a multitude of conspirators, centrally coordinated by an organization, company, business, third party contracts, departments, agencies, associations, or conspired organizations. 6 | Page (b) “Harassment” means a knowing and willful course of conduct directed at a specific person that extremely alarms, annoys, torments, and terrorizes the person, that serves no constitutional purpose. (c) “Person” means an individual not an entity. (d) An “Electronic weapon” means a device lethal or non-lethal weapon from which an electrical current, pulse, beam, wave, signal or sound wave that is directed and who’s current, pulse, beam, wave or sound wave designed to incapacitate, injure, maimed, assault, rape or murder a person or persons. (e) “Non-lethal weapon” means a weapon which is explicitly designed and developed to incapacitate or repel a person/s, with low probability of fatality or permanent injury, to disable equipment with minimal undesired damage or impact on the environment, nature, and a person/s body. (f) “Lethal weapon” means a deadly weapon. Any firearm/control/management system, electronic device, instrument, material or any other substance that is capable of producing great bodily harm or death from the manner it is used or intended to be used may be referred to as a lethal weapon. (g) “Electronic devices” means are components for controlling the flow of electrical currents, pulse, wave, beam, energy for the purpose of information processing and system control with the use of electronic and wireless equipment.
C: LAWS FOR LEGISLATION ᵷ2340.5 A person is guilty of Electronic Torture if a person committed, commits, or attempted to commit the underlying offenses as described as follows: (a) Knowingly, willingly, puts a person under organized and systematic surveillance, sophisticated, and convert methods include but are not limited to the following offenses and conduct: 1) Implanting any form of electrical devices or using any form of sound wave, wave, pulse, beam, stream, or signal on a person without authorization or consent in order to track movement or location of such person without a warrant. 2) Unauthorized access to a person’s computer, computer system, biological data, biometrics, tablets, mobile device, Bluetooth , tv’s, wireless connections through the use of radio frequencies, signals, tones, sounds, waves, beams, pulse, signals against known person with Interception of listening of that person’s telecommunications and electronic communication means. 3) Offenses relating to the act of eaves dropping on that person using a form of electronic devices that produce a wave, pulse, beam, signal, tone, or soundwave. 4) The use of any electrical tracking device to determine location or movement of that person. 5) Trespassing on that persons property, place of living, residence, vehicle, storage unit, boat slips or place a person pays to store personal property outside of their home or residence. 6) Placing eaves dropping devices, video devices, video recording devices, audio devices inside or outside a person’s home or place of residency without consent or authorization of such person the eaves dropping device is intended or warrant through the court. 7) Installing remotely or otherwise video recording software in the mobile phone, the computer, tablets, laptops, TVs, gaming systems, printers/fax machines, or any other electrical device of the persons Cohabitant or personal property a person owns/rents/residency or living quarters. 8 ) Unauthorized searching through that person’s belongings to gain further information. 9) Interception, Delaying, stealing or misdirecting mail. 10) Soliciting others to commit organized surveillance with the use of non-lethal weapons, electronic devices, and lethal weapons against that person. This subdivision is not applicable to a law enforcement officer who conducts surveillance with a valid warrant issued by a judge. However, a law enforcement officer who conducts the above unlawful acts of organized surveillance with or without a valid search warrant in a malicious manner can and will be prosecuted. 11) Defamation of a person’s character online and or throughout the community. 12) Soliciting directly or indirectly, attorneys, peace officers, doctors, medical professionals, judges, courts, not to represent that person for violations of that personal civil or basic human rights giving out false legal information to that person in order to discourage that person from protecting his or her rights.
13) Soliciting directly or indirectly psychiatrists or psychologist to give that person the wrongful diagnosis of delusional disorder, schizophrenia, paranoid delusion disorder, or any mental illness or psychosis. 14) Vandalizing a person’s vehicle, home, place of living, personal effects and or belongings. 8 | Page 15) Offenses relating to a direct or implied threat with the intent to place his or her fear for his or her safety or the safety of his or her immediate family and friends. 16) Impersonating federal agents, peace officers or stating that you are a government employee to gain control of a situation and force the person to commit such a crime by intentionally giving the person false information and legal advice. 17) Electronic weapon, electronic device, or non-lethal weapon system, where injuries are often invisible and cannot be seen by the naked eye: that acutely or chronically damages the internal organs of another person, deleteriously interrupts or impairs the bioelectric functioning of the persons brain, heart and human muscle, human cellular damage in a way that causes an acute health risk to the person or inflicts severe pain on that person. 18) When an electronic device, non-lethal weapon, or electronic weapon is transmitted by a wave, pulse, beam, sound, signal, or sound wave through a structural structure separating different levels of a building with aid, radar, sonar, or other devices, to visualize objects through a wall so that the victim or person is visible to the naked eye of the victim or person.
19) Anyone in possession or remote access to military grade weapon systems both lethal and non-lethal that does not belong to the United States Military and active duty position can and will be prosecuted. 20) No third-party contractors of all law enforcement, federal agencies, business, companies, non-profit organizations, civilian armies, should be granted access to military grade weapon systems of both non-lethal or lethal, firearm management and control systems for means for possession and testing purposes. 21) Military personnel, and departments who have granted access to the military weapon systems of a non-lethal and lethal manner must post a list of names and have it updated and released every 3 months to the State of Nevada and made public record available for access. 22) Any military grade weapon systems lethal and non-lethal, Artificial Intelligence programs, Virtualizations systems, Augmented Reality technology, RFID, IR sensors, electronic devices, Bio-sensors, Mind mapping, Neural technology must have written consent and permission. The person volunteering will be compensated and all medical issues that arise will be paid for.
b: A peace officer or federal agencies is guilty of facilitating Electronic Torture if the officer knowingly obstructs the administration of justice by any of the following: 1) Misleading his or her law enforcement agency to believe that an Electronic Torture complaint is delusional or paranoid, or any of form of mental illness psychosis, dismissing the complaint, and detaining the complainant in a psychiatric institution even when the complainant is not in danger to him, herself or others, and the complainant can take care of his, her food, housing, and clothing. 2) Misleading his or her law enforcement agency to keep the complaint Electronic Torture under police harassment surveillance instead of keeping the criminal organization that commits Electronic Torture under police surveillance. 3) A peace officer, firefighter, doctor, emergency technician, who uses his or her badge to do acts that is considered malicious, torturous, with an electronic weapon, non-lethal weapon, electronic device or falsify reports upon that person Violations of subdivision ᵷ2340.5 is punishable by imprisonment for not less than 5 years not more than 10 years. 1) Ten years should be added to the imprisonment term if the victim has a child and the child or children under the age of 18 years of age of the victim has been tormented by Electronic Torture program or illegal surveillance. 2) If the prosecutor proves that the defendant perceived that the victim was a person with a psychological disability or a child abuse survivor before or while committing the organized stalking five years should be added to the sentence. 3) A person who leads, controls, administrates, organized or is in command of electronic torture shall be sentenced not less than 20 years imprisonment and fined not less than fifty thousand dollars (50,000) and not more than one million dollars (1,000,000).
4) A law enforcement officer or agent, emergency technician, doctor who leads, controls, administers Electronic Torture or and is in command of organized stalking shall be sentenced not less than 30 years imprisonment and not more than 50 years imprisonment and fines not less than one hundred thousand dollars (100,000), not more than 2 million dollars (2,000,000). 10 | Page 5) A) A peace officer or federal agent who immediately dismisses an Electronic Torture complaint simply because the complaint resembles the diagnosis description of mental illness or psychosis shall be fined twenty thousand dollars (20,000) per dismissal and be given to the victim, person, or complainant. B) A peace officer, federal agent, emergency technician, doctor who detains the Electronic Torture complainants in a psychiatric ward or institution simply because the Electronic Torture complaint appears delusional, paranoid even though the complainant is not in any danger to himself, herself and others and can take care of his or her food, housing, clothing shall be fined an additional twenty thousand dollars (20,000). C) The fines should be paid out of the medical physicians, emergency technicians, law enforcement pockets and not through the unions or the state. 6) A peace officer, federal agent, emergency technician, doctor shall not be indemnified for fines imposed under this section.
7) Any and all law enforcement or federal units, systems, watchlists and alike that are intended to keep persons with psychological disabilities weather perceived or actual, under law enforcement or federal surveillance shall be completely abolished. A person who is responsible for establishing a psychological disability profiling law enforcement practice shall be permanently barred from being employed as a law enforcement officer by any public entity and shall be punished with a fine to one hundred thousand dollars (100,000). Half of the proceeds collected under shall be distributed to the state and half should be distributed towards the victim. 8 ) No income and asset consideration or status with the community shall be made in determining the imprisonment term. 9) A mental health professional or medical doctor who purposefully or knowingly facilitates conceals or legitimizes Electronic Torture or organized stalking by giving a wrongful, false, diagnosis or any similar mental illness psychosis to the victim of Electronic Torture or organized stalking, if the evidence concerning physical injury sustained by an Electronic Torture or organized stalking is not readily available or by tampering with medical evidence concerning physical injury sustained by an Electronic Torture victim shall be subject to the following: A) Permanent revocation of his or her professional license.
B) A fine of not less than thirty thousand dollars (30,000) and not more than one hundred thousand dollars (100,000) one half of the proceeds go to the state the half of the proceed go to the victim. C) Imprisonment for a minimum of three years (3) not more than ten (10) years. D) If the victim of the wrongful psychiatric diagnosis is a child abuse survivor or a person with a psychological disability who has a legitimate diagnosis, other than the wrongful diagnosis the fine shall be not less than forty thousand dollars (40,000) and not more than two hundred thousand dollars (200,000). E) A mental health professional, medical doctor that is employed by the government or appointed by the court is also subject to this section and shall not be granted any immunity for the offenses in this act either qualified or absolute. F) A mental health professional or a medical doctor who discovers indirect or direct evidence of organized torture must report that evidence to the proper law enforcement or federal authorities in a manner similar to the mandated child sexual abuse reporting. A failure to report shall result in revocation of the persons professional licenses.
D: SPECIAL TASK FORCE We the people of the United States of America would like to recommend and put forth a special task force be set into place to investigate electronic devices, electronic weapons, and non-lethal weaponry that is being used against the United States Citizens and Nevada Citizens. This special task force that conducts the investigation on the victim of Electronic Torture will not attach to any of these departments: FBI, CIA, DHS, NSA, DoD, D.O.J. or law enforcement agencies. The special task force will be a different department, called Electronic Torture Investigations (O.T.I) meant only to investigate the victims of Electronic Torture and Havana Syndrome victims. Within this Special task force, they will be responsible for the following: 1) “FMRI scans of the victim’s whole body with and without contrast.” This will prove any abnormalities or damage done to the body by the non-lethal weapon systems, electrical devices, and electronic weapons, and prove the locations of the Brain that is being attacked and white masses shown. 2) “Full body X-ray” The purpose of a full body x-ray is to determine such factors as implants. 12 | Page 3) “Blood Analysis” It is known that electronic weapons, electronic devices and non-lethal weapons alter the victim’s body. With certain tests run a victim has results of High lipids, low salt, high cholesterol, radiation levels, poisons and Nano technology. Simple Blood test and analysis can be drawn and also tell the electron count in the blood cells and prove the paramagnetic in the blood cells, with conjunction to the non-lethal weaponry that is being used on a person or individual. This will also help prove that the victim is being tortured through Electronic Torture.
4) “RF detectors” The special task force will be responsible for going to the victim’s home and investigating radio frequencies that are against FCC and EPA levels and regulations. 5) ELF-EMF Field meter- .1 – 199.1 gauss 6) Handheld RF frequency detector 7) Wireless UHF, RFID scanner, reader, writer, scan 8 ) UV light- 385 nanometers-400 nanometers 9) Night Vision Scope 10) Toxicology report 11) Handheld metal detector 12) Portable spectrum analyzer 3g and 6g 13) H-Scala testing 14) H-SCADA Testing 15) 3 in one digital dental CT scan. 16) “Network Analyzer” will pick up lower and higher frequencies, and prove hacking and cyber crimes. 17) “Real Time Spectrum Analyzer” will show the signals that are being used on the victim of Electronic Torture, and radio frequencies that are being used for broadcasting through FM/AM bandwidth and Radio frequencies. 18) “RF spectrum analyzer” The special task force can run an analysis and pick up electromagnetic radiation and the respective wavelengths. 19) “Computer technicians” investigate if a victim’s phone, computer, laptop, or tablet has been hacked into or being traced and monitored. The technicians can trace signals and addresses to locate the perpetrators and criminals.
20) “Audio surveillance, and subliminal acoustic fingerprinting” It has been proven once the audio, video and phone conversation is stripped the victim can hear the perpetrators and pick up the signals that are being used to torture the victim. The perpetrators use this to communicate with the victim and other associates of the Electronic Torture against the victim. This is an assured way to prove that the victim is being tortured by electronic weapons, non-lethal weapons, and electronic devices. Along with audio surveillance the special task force can analyze a phone conversation and hear the perpetrators on the other end of the phone conversation. 21) “Triangulate signals and positions” Once the audio is confirmed the special task force can locate and track a signal to locate the perpetrators or criminals. 22) “Flight Pattern/Drone surveillance” Electronic Torture use different techniques to harass, destroy, invade, stalk, assault, and torment the victim. If drones are being used to carry out Electronic Torture, there must be laws set in place to assure the victims safety. 23) “Camera surveillance” will be put up as security measures for the victims of Electronic Torture. With a monitoring system to evaluate any harassment by the perpetrators or criminals. Perpetrators and criminals often break into homes of their victims and remove items, destroy property, destroy vehicles and torture pets. The monitoring system will catch the perpetrators in action and will be able to prosecute in a legal manner. The special task force will be subjected to the same punishment as stated above for any Violations of subdivision ᵷ2340.5.
We the United States Citizens, demand immediate Investigations and removal of these Acts on violations of Rules and Laws from all Government, Federal, Military, and Nautical Law as they violate the Law of the Land, the Constitution of the United States of America, Amendment Rights, and have multiple Federal law violations:
1. Patriot Act
2. Cures Act
3. Espionage Act 4. B.R.A.I.N Incitive Act 5. Energy Efficiency Act 6. Pre-Crime Program 7. CP3 8. Facial Recognition Systems 9. Intelligence-LED Program 10. Drones, airplanes, aerial units with authorization of military grade lethal and non-lethal attached. These Acts in place violate Human Rights on United States Citizens that include Mass Genocide, Genocide, Human/Child Sex Trafficking, Torture, Rape, Sexual Assaults, Pedophilia, War Crimes, Psychological Warfare, Espionage, Domestic/Terrorism, Abuse, Assault, Intimidation, Abuse of Power, R.I.C.O, Insider Trading, Gain of Function Research, Cyber Warfare, Cyber Security, Hacking, and the Federal Laws that are listed below on United States Citizens. The Companies, Corporations, Departments, Third-Party Contractors, Divisions, Agencies, Military Branches, Businesses, Institutions, Law Enforcement Agencies, and all associations, are all connected and included in the violations with association in crimes that is decreed against the United States Citizens.
Preamble of the US Constitution.
Article III section 3
Amendment I
Amendment IV
Amendment V
Amendment VI
Amendment VIII
Amendment IX Amendment X
Amendment XI
Amendment XIII
Amendment XIV: section 1,
18 US Codes Chapter 2 – Aircraft and Motor Vehicles Code 33- (a) Code 35- Imparting or Conveying False Information (a),(b) Electronic Torture uses public transportation and governmental transportation to harass, follow, and control the victim. They make it unbearable for victims to go shopping for food, doctor appointments, work, and it is unconstitutional for the life liberty and the pursuit of happiness of the victim of Electronic Torture. Aerial units, planes, Drones, are used against the victims with US and Federal protections. Allowing sex trafficking to occur and are taking part in the assaults, rape, against the victim/s, families, friends, associates, which violate Human Rights. With the use of Non-lethal Weapon Systems, Lethal Weapon Systems, Electronic Weapon Systems, Ultra/Sonic Weapon Systems and Bionic Weapon Systems. Chapter 3- Animals, Birds, Fish and Plants Code 43- Force, Violence and Threats Involving Animal Enterprises- (A), (B), (C) Code 48- Animal Crush Videos (1) Electronic Torture victims often have their pets harassed and tortured as well. Perpetrators use an electronic weapon, electronic devices, and non-lethal/lethal weapons systems to cause stress on pets and traumatize animals, insects, mammals, and all living creatures. Often Crimes include, Breaking and Entering, Theft, Murder, Animal Cruelty, Assault, on the victim/s and all creatures. Causing sever suffering, abuse, and pain on the animal, pets, and all creatures with the use of weapon systems.
Continued: Go to the link for even more.
Targeted Individuals
individuos apuntados
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Individu ciblé
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Individu yang Disasarkan
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Hedeflenen Birey
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இலக்கு தனிநபர்
Individuo mirato
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લક્ષ્યાંકિત વ્યક્તિગત
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ਨਿਸ਼ਾਨਾ ਵਿਅਕਤੀਗਤ
ඉලක්කගත තනි පුද්ගලයෙකි
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