"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
-- Mahatma Gandhi Targeted Justice is the world's leading information resource for Targeted Individuals. If we have helped you, please consider a donation of $19 per month. (That's 63 cents per day.) https://www.patreon.com/TargetedJustice |
contact: [email protected]
Targeted Justice has 8 volunteers, with full-time jobs and families. We are doing the best we can to support 13,400+ subscribers. Please be patient.
Become A Member – Click Here.
Targeted Justice has 8 volunteers, with full-time jobs and families. We are doing the best we can to support 13,400+ subscribers. Please be patient.
Become A Member – Click Here.
Contacts & Organizations:
STATE & INTERNATIONAL CONTACTS: If you are looking for support, friendship and community in your area please visit https://tievents.org/ti-state-international-contacts/ or https://TIstreet.com Are you interested in helping other TI's? Contact: [email protected] [email protected] INTERNATIONAL CONTACTS: Help make a difference. Volunteer to be an international contact at TIevents.org TARGETED JUSTICE MONTHLY MEETING: Houston, Texas - 2nd Saturdays Onion Creek Restaurant, 9-11 am 3106 White Oak Dr, Houston, TX 77007 Please join us. No cell phones please. / TI Community contacts in 33 States and 21 Countries. These contacts do not work for, or represent Targeted Justice. They are independent volunteers offering to help the TI community using their own resources and time. We suggest Saturday morning, coffee shop meetings. Targeted Justice does not control or review the meetings or the volunteers, and we are not responsible for the meetings, events, or opinions that may be expressed. See our home page for all the disclaimers. These contacts can also be found on social media, ICATOR.be and other websites. / https://TIevents.org https://tistreet.com United States Conference Calls Devin's Conference meetings every Thursday, 9 PM CST ✨Join the meeting using one of these easy options:✨ 1) One Tap Mobile Dialing: +17277313453 2) Tap here to have us call you: https://www.freeconferencecall.com/backup?dial_number=7277313453 3) Join online for Video and Screen Sharing: https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/tisupportgroupMeeting ID: tisupportgroup Options to connect: Dial-in number (US): (727) 731-3453 Find your local number: https://fccdl.in/i/tisupportgroup Having trouble connecting? Text 'Call Me' to (727) 731-3453 to receive a call back. Standard Messaging rates may apply. TUESDAYS - GoGi's After Dinner J.A.M. The Justice Action Meeting where attendees push past their pain to PLAN, PREPARE and PROGRESS. The focus is on: 1. Preparing for the manifestation of the return of our God-given freedoms here on Earth, 2. Supporting the efforts of the Targeted Justice lawsuit, and 3. Creating a network to Empower, Enlighten and further Enhance the lives of Targeted Individuals. / BASIC RULES A. BE POLITE AND POSITIVE B. PASS THE MIC - PTM (Time to comment is limited, we must share the time. Comments should be beneficial to all.) C. Flow with the Agenda / DETAILS Tuesdays - 8:30 EDT (7:30 Central, 5:30 Pacific) Call in: 605.313.4497 Access Code: 2832692 www.FreeConferenceCall.com/wall/gogi210 / John G.'s Americans Against Covert Torture Conference Call 630-830p Eastern 530-730p Central 430-630p Mountain 330-530p Pacific Call-In Number: (425) 436-6280 Access code: 641496# Online meeting ID: arizona_ti Join By Computer: https://join.freeconferencecall.com/arizona_ti Moderator: John G. mindcontrolforums.net Rev. Edward Pinkney 5:00 PM Eastern 4:00 PM Central 3:00 PM Mountain 2:00 pm Pacific Call-in Number: 323-642-1559 (listen live) Neal's Citizens Against Harmful Technology Conference Call 8:30 PM Eastern 7:30 PM Central 6:30 PM Mountain 5:30 PM Pacific Call-in number: (605) 475-4779 Access Code: 607080# Online Meeting ID: electricrose222 Join By Computer: https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/electricrose222 Moderator: Neal http://citizensaht.org/ MONDAY Julia's Conference Call 8:00 PM Eastern 7:00 PM Central 6:00 PM Mountain 5:00 PM Pacific Call-in Number: (515) 606-5307 Access Code: 381878# Patricia's Awakening Prayer Call 8:30 PM Eastern 7:30 PM Central 6:30 PM Mountain 5:30 PM Pacific Call-in Number: (712) 832-8330 Access Code: 7660364# Derrick's PACTS International Conference Call 9:00 PM Eastern 8:00 PM Central 7:00 PM Mountain 6:00 PM Pacific Call-in Number: (319) 527-2701 Access Code: 248671# Online Meeting ID: derrickcrobinson Join By Computer: https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/derrickcrobinson Moderator: Derrick https://www.pactsntl.org James' Conference Call 9:00 PM Eastern 8:00 PM Central 7:00 PM Mountain 6:00 PM Pacific Call-in Number: (425) 436-6376 Access Code: 540614# Laura's Conference Call 12:00 AM Eastern (Tuesday Early Morning) 11:00 PM Central (Monday NIGHT) 10:00 PM Mountain (Monday NIGHT) 9:00 PM Pacific (Monday NIGHT) Call-in Number: (605) 313-5147 Access Code: 198158# Frank's Targeted Massachusetts North East Conference Call 9:00 PM Eastern 8:00 PM Central 7:00 PM Mountain 6:00 PM Pacific Call-In Number: (515) 604-9715 Access Code: 708922# Online Meeting ID: targeted Join By Computer: https://freeconferencecall.com/wall/targeted Moderator Frank Allen https://targetedmassachusetts.org TUESDAY Janey's Conference Call 8:00 PM Eastern 7:00 PM Central 6:00 PM Mountain 5:00 PM Pacific Call-in Number: (605) 313-5569 Access Code: 516586# Ella Free Conference Call 9:00 PM Eastern 8:00 PM Central 7:00 PM Mountain 6:00 PM Pacific Call-in Number: (515) 606-5187 Access Code: 400014# Online meeting ID: tiangel2016 Join By Computer: https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/tiangel2016 Moderator: Ella https://www.freedomfortargetedindividuals.org/ GoGi Justice's Conference Call New York Tuesday 8:30pm ET 605-313-4497 PIN #2832692 WEDNESDAY Julia's Conference Call 8:00 PM Eastern 7:00 PM Central 6:00 PM Mountain 5:00 PM Pacific Call-in Number: (515) 606-5307 Access Code: 381878# Chief Jones Conference Call 9:00 PM Eastern 8:00 PM Central 7:00 PM Mountain 6:00 PM Pacific Call-In Number: (605) 313-5111 Access Code: 712679# Online Meeting ID: daymond40408 Join By Computer: https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/daymond40408/viewer Moderator: Chief Daymond Jones Frank's Targeted Massachusetts North East Conference Call 9:00 PM Eastern 8:00 PM Central 7:00 PM Mountain 6:00 PM Pacific Call-In Number: (515) 604-9715 Access Code: 708922# Online Meeting ID: targeted Join By Computer: https://freeconferencecall.com/wall/targeted Moderator: Frank Allen https://targetedmassachusetts.org THURSDAY Gatekeeper’s Ministries International Thursday Night Christian BlogTalkRadio Podcast 7-9PM Eastern 6-8PM Central 5-7PM Mountain 4-6PM Pacific Listen online: www.blogtalkradio.com/gatekeepers-ministry Moderator: Evangelist Linda Casraiss Ella Free Conference Call 9:00 PM Eastern 8:00 PM Central 7:00 PM Mountain 6:00 PM Pacific Call-in Number: (515)-606-5187 Access Code: 400014# Online Meeting ID: tiangel2016 https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/tiangel2016 Moderator: Ella https://www.freedomfortargetedindividuals.org/ FRIDAY TI Street Talk Tl Street Talk is a conference call for Targeted Individuals Friday 7pm Eastern 4pm PST - 6pm CST Dial-in number (US): (425) 436-6390 Access code: 697653# International dial-in numbers: https://fccdl.in/i/tistreet123 Online meeting D: tistreet123 Join the online meeting: https:/join.freeconferencecall.com/tistreet123 Email: [email protected] Julia's Conference Call 8:00 PM Eastern 7:00 PM Central 6:00 PM Mountain 5:00 PM Pacific Call-in Number: (515) 606-5307 Access Code: 381878# Michael's Ministry Conference Call NY 8:00PM Eastern 7:00 PM Central 6:00 PM Mountain 5:00 PM Pacific Call-in Number: (530) 399-4188 Access Code: 2230695 Join By Computer: https://freeconferencecall.com/wall/Jesus4targets Frank's Targeted Massachusetts North East Conference Call STARS International 9:00 PM Eastern 8:00 PM Central 7:00 PM Mountain 6:00 PM Pacific Call-In Number: (515) 604-9715 Access Code: 708922# Online Meeting ID: targeted Join By Computer: https://freeconferencecall.com/wall/targeted Moderator: Frank Allen https://targetedmassachusetts.org SATURDAY Amy Conference Call 3:30 PM Eastern 2:30 PM Central 1:30 PM Mountain 12:30 PM Pacific Call-in number: (515) 739-6045 Access code: 874647# Moderator: Amy, 971-207-3401 Janie's Conference Call 9:00 PM Eastern 8:00 PM Central 7:00 PM Mountain 6:00 PM Pacific Call-in number: (605) 313-5569 Access code: 516586# Derrick's PACTS International Conference Call 9:00 PM Eastern 8:00 PM Central 7:00 PM Mountain 6:00 PM Pacific Call-in Number: (319) 527-2701 Access Code: 248671# Online Meeting ID: derrickcrobinson Join By Computer: https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/derrickcrobinson Moderator: Derrick https://www.pactsntl.org THE SAFE SATURDAY NIGHT CALL 9:00 pm Eastern 8:00 PM Central 7:00 PM Mountain 6:00 PM Pacific Call-in Number: (602) 580-9502 Access Code: 5314877# Online Meeting ID: saturdaynightcall4 Join By Computer: https://freeconferencecall.com/wall/saturdaynightcall4 Moderator(s) : Frank, Midge, and/or Ella Prison Ministry Prayer Call 10:00 PM Eastern 9:00 PM Central 8:00 PM Mountain 7:00 PM Pacific Call-in Number: (712) 775-7031 Access Code: 277814548# Dr. Millicent Black, AM Call Refugee From The Storm 11:30 AM Eastern 10:30 AM Central 9:30 AM Mountain 8:30 AM Pacific (605) 562-0444: Access Code: 140567 Pin 1# (Canada) (867) 292-3066: Access Code 140567# Pin 1# https://talkshoe.com Dr. Millicent Black, PM Call Refugee From The Storm 6:00 PM Eastern 5:00 PM Central 4:00 PM Mountain 3:00 PM Pacific (605) 562-0444: Access Code 140567# Pin 1# (Canada) (867) 292-3066: Access Code 140567# Pin 1# https://talkshoe.com Phoenix Targeted Individual Rally Every Saturday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm Central and Washington, across from Urban Outfitters We have flyers, microphone, gazebo tent with table. Please come join us to promote public awareness. DETAILS: [email protected] ______________________________________________________ Targeted Individual NJ Activism Schedule Twitter: @soundenemyx Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ8TX7Xr2nKCFrWlD2seOzQ Blog: http://soundenemy.com *** Join for support and discussion, 24/7/365 *** irc: https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.snoonet.org/targetedindividual Meetups ARIZONA SUPPORT GROUP For more information, please contact Armin Aryan Email: [email protected] Phone: 602-563-4750 BAY AREA, CALIFORNIA SUPPORT GROUP For more information, please contact Constance Rose. Email: [email protected] bayareasupport.org ORANGE COUNTY TARGETED INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT GROUP Sunday, February 23, 2020 at 3:00 PM Denny's Restaurant 23515 El Toro Road Lake Forest, CA The Organizer is Tricia! Email: [email protected] (Note: Denny's restaurant discount coupons are available online) CLEVELAND OHIO TI SUPPORT GROUP When: First Saturday of the month. Saturdays, 11:00 am till 1:00 pm in the group study room Lakewood Public Library 15425 Detroit AVE Lakewood, Ohio 44107 Phone: (216)527-8346 Details, Contact The Organizer: Jim [email protected] FLORIDA SUPPORT GROUP & WEEKLY CONF CALL When: Every Thursday at 6:00pm EST Call-in number: 1-515-739-6265 (FreeConferenceCall) Access code: 272676# BEND, OREGON SUPPORT GROUP MEETINGS Location: TICO's Launch Meeting: Wednesday, April 17, 5:00 pm - 6:30 pmHollywood Downtown Bend Library, Hutchinson Room 601 NW Wall Street, Bend, Oregon 97703 541-617-7062 BRITISH COLUMBIA/INTERNATIONAL The West Coast Society For All Victims Of Organized Stalking And Electronic Harassment, PO Box 534, Heriot Bay, British Columbia V0P 1H0, Canada Support Society www.westcoast-oseh.com Mary Lamont, Registered Mental Health Crisis Counsellor [email protected] NEW JERSEY SUPPORT GROUP MEETINGS http://targetednj.com https://actionnetwork.org/events/targeted-nj-street-activism-full-schedule Targeted NJ Activism Network T: @soundenemyx PITTSBURG TI SUPPORT GROUP Saturday, March 14th, 2020 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM Carnegie Mellon Library Oakland District, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania For details, please contact the organizer: [email protected] Twitter.com/TargetedPennsy1 PORTLAND, OREGON SUPPORT GROUP MEETINGS Location: Hollywood District Public Library, 4040 NE Tillamook Street, Portland, OR 97212 When: Saturdays from 3:30pm - 5:30pm Free Conference Call: (978) 990-5000, Access code: 336876amydale22 (chat room), Amy Dale, 971-207-3401 SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA SUPPORT GROUP Connect with this group by joining the Targeted Individuals Sacramento Meetup. For information, please contact Justin at [email protected]. SAN FRANCISCO and SACRAMENTO BAY AREA SUPPORT GROUP Web: http://www.bayareasupport.org/ Web-based Email: click here SEATTLE, WASHINGTON SUPPORT GROUP MEETINGS Location: Montlake Library Meeting Room, 2401 24th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 When: Sundays from 1:00pm - 3:00 pm For more information, please contact Curtis at 1-817-901-8720. VIRGINIA SUPPORT GROUP – STARTING UP Connect with this group by contacting Julie at [email protected]. VANCOUVER, BC SUPPORT GROUP Vancouver Public Library 1428 Cedar Cottage Mews, V5N 5Z1 350 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6B 6B1 contact: Genet - [email protected]. USA Support Groups United States of America CITIZENS AGAINST HARMFUL TECHNOLOGY https://www.citizensaht.org ALLIANCE TO END TARGETING Web: https://www.alliancetoendtargeting.org/ Web-based Email: click here Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2004309253216699/ FFTI: FREEDOM FOR TARGETED INDIVIDUALS Twitter: https://twitter.com/FFTI_org Contact: EllaEmail: [email protected] Phone: 1-503-308-1691 SHSA: SURVEILLANCE & HARASSMENT SURVIVORS' ALLIANCE Web: https://www.surveillancesurvivors.org/ Web-based Email: click here Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/surveillancesurvivors/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/shsa_usa Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/surveillancesurvivors/ President: Shayla Avants (MO) Vice President: Chuck Nappi (VA) Sec. / Veterans Outreach: Amy Holem (FL) Public Relations Dir.: Robbie Alford (NC) Events Director: Lewis Rowe (AZ) Housing Director: Timothy Cassella (NV) PACTS INTERNATIONAL: PEOPLE AGAINST COVERT TORTURE & SURVEILLANCE, INTERNATIONAL Web: http://pactsntl.org/ Contact: Derrick Robinson Phone (toll-free): 1-888-639-5559 Fax: 1-888-380-2840 Mailing Address: PACTS, International PO Box 1925 Twentynine Palms, CA 92277 ICAACT International Center Against Abuse of Covert Technologies Website: www.icaact.org 8539 Elk Grove Florin Rd. STE 103 Jesse Beltran: Sacramento, CA 95829 PACTS INTERNATIONAL: PEOPLE AGAINST COVERT TORTURE & SURVEILLANCE, INTERNATIONAL Web: http://pactsntl.org/ Contact: Derrick Robinson Phone (toll-free): 1-888-639-5559 Fax: 1-888-380-2840 Mailing Address: PACTS, International PO Box 1925 Twentynine Palms, CA 92277 SHSA: SURVEILLANCE & HARASSMENT SURVIVORS' ALLIANCE Web: https://www.surveillancesurvivors.org/ Web-based Email: click here Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/surveillancesurvivors/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/shsa_usa Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/surveillancesurvivors/ President: Shayla Avants (MO) Vice President: Chuck Nappi (VA) Sec. / Veterans Outreach: Amy Holem (FL) Housing Director: Timothy Cassella (NV) Australia TARGETED INDIVIDUALS AUSTRALIA & WORLDWIDE SUPPORT GROUP Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/142442139900704 Belgium ICATOR: INTERNATIONAL COALITION AGAINST ELECTRONIC TORUTRE & ROBOTISATION OF LIVING BEINGS Web: http://icator.be/ Contacts: Melanie Vritschan (email1) and Jacqueline Menanteau (2) Email 1: [email protected] Email 2: [email protected] Canada ORGANIZATION OF VICTIMS PSYCHOTRONIC (MIND CONTROL) WEAPONS Contact: Galina Kurdina Email: [email protected] http://www.organizationofmindcontrolvictims.com WEST COAST SOCIETY FOR ALL VICTIMS OF ORGANIZED STALKING & ELECTRONIC HARASSMENT (OS/EH) Web: http://www.westcoast-oseh.com/ Contact: Mary Lamont Email: [email protected] Website: www.westcoast-oseh.com Mailing Address: P.O. Box 534 Heriot Bay, British Columbia V0P 1H0 Canada ORGANIZATION OF VICTIMS OF PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONS Web: http://www.organizationofmindcontrolvictims.com/ Contact: Galina Kurdina (Toronto, Canada) Email: [email protected] Phone: 1-647-343-0716 France COVHER: COLLECTIF DES VICTIMES DU HARCÈLEMENT ELECTROMAGNÉTIQUE ET EN RÉSEAU Web: https://covherfrance.wordpress.com/ Email: [email protected] Phone: +33 07 53 83 72 64 Germany BETROFFENENGRUPPE FÜR T.I.S (DEUTSCHLAND) Web: http://bftid.mind-control-news.de Email: [email protected] INITIATIVE GEGEN ELEKTROMAGNETISCHE FOLTER (INITIATIVE AGAINST ELECTROMAGNETIC TORTURE) Web: https://e-waffen.de/ Contact: Harald Brems India INDIA T.I.S Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/India.TI/ Japan TECHNOLOGICAL CRIME VICTIMS NETWORK (TCVN) Contact: Terukatsu Ishibashi, Chairman of the Board Email: [email protected] Telephone & Fax: 03-5212-4611 Website: http://www.geocities.jp/[email protected] Web: https://www.tekuhan.org/ English version of the TCVN website: http://tcvn.sakura.ne.jp/ Korea [email protected] http://www.elishahong.net/ Malaysia Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/omaimhreem/ Nepal HUMAN RIGHTS WITHOUT FRONTIERS, NEPAL Contact: Raju Thapa, President Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.apfanews.com/torture-killing-me-softly/ Netherlands STOPEG FOUNDATION Contact: Peter Mooring Address: Past. van Roesselstraat 29 4631 ET Hoogerheide Cellphone: +31 6 4124 3030 Telephone: +31 164 610 218 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Website: http://www.stopeg.com New Zealand ORGANISED CRIME OF COVERT ELECTRONIC ASSAULT, STALKING & SURVEILLANCE NEW ZEALAND Web: https://www.organised-crime-of-covert-electronic-assault-nz.com/ Poland STOPZET: STOP ZORGANIZOWANYM ELEKTRONICZNYM TORTUROM (STOP ORGANIZED ELECTRONIC TORTURE) Web: http://stopzet.org/ Contacts: Zofia Filipiak (email1), Sławomir Wiktor (2), and Krzysztof Damian (3) Ul. Słowackiego 23a/25 87-100 Toruń Poland Email 1: [email protected] Email 2: [email protected] Email 3: [email protected] Russia МОСКОВСКИЙ КОМИТЕТ ЭКОЛОГИИ ЖИЛИЩА (MOSCOW HOUSING ECOLOGY COMMITTEE) Email: [email protected] Website: http://moscomeco.narod.ru/e.htm Spain VIACTEC: VÍCTIMAS DE ACOSO ELECTRÓNICO (VICTIMS OF ELECTRONIC HARASSMENT) Main website: https://victimsmindcontrol.viactec.es/home/ Alternate website: http://www.viactec.es/ Sweden SOCIETY FOR BRAIN INTEGRITY IN SWEDEN Website: http://www.svegritet.se/ WORLD COALITION AGAINST COVERT HARASSMENT Contact: Magnus Olsson Email: [email protected] Website: https://eucach.wordpress.com/ E-Mail USCACH: [email protected] Magnus Olsson Mail: [email protected] Telephone nr: 0046 709 26 30 04 (Magnus Olsson) Switzerland STOP 007 Web: https://stop007.org/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Stop007org Contact: Dr. Katherine Horton Spain ACOSO ORGANIZADO Y ELECTRÓNICO Contact: Pilar Cucalon, Spanish Translator Email: [email protected] Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/?sk=2361831622#!/group.php?gid=122312334464838&v=info www.acoso-organizado.com CONTROLE FÍSICO DA MENTE We are a non-governmental organization, disseminating mind control techniques in the Portuguese and Spanish languages. Website in Portuguese: https://sites.google.com/site/controlemental Thailand ANTI MIND CONTROL THAILAND Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/antimindcontrolthailand/ United Kingdom TARGETEDUK Web: https://www.targetedsurvivors.com/ Contacts: Shane Gibbs and That Girl Claire LES, LONDON END STALKING Facebook 1: https://www.facebook.com/groups/171611043580/ Facebook 2: https://www.facebook.com/events/2141220685956424/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/londendstalking Contact: Paulo Fiora Email: [email protected] TARGETED INDIVIDUALS ASSOCIATION Web: http://www.targeted-individuals.co.uk/ Contacts: Gary Owens and Paulo Fiora Email: [email protected] COVERT HARASSMENT U.K. Web: http://www.covertharassment.org/ Email 1: [email protected] Email 2: [email protected] Email 3: [email protected] Phone: +44 (0) 7801292648 Contact: Ana B. Fernandez Alvarez Address: Manchester, England Email: [email protected] Website: www.covertharassment.org Targeted Individuals individuos apuntados Individuo dirigido Personne ciblée Individu ciblé فرد مستهدف 目标个人 目標個人 लक्षित व्यक्ति Individu yang Disasarkan Целевая личность লক্ষ্যযুক্ত ব্যক্তি Indivíduo segmentado 対象者 Zielgruppe Diangkah Individu 대상 개인 Hedeflenen Birey Cá nhân được nhắm mục tiêu లక్ష్యంగా ఉన్న వ్యక్తి लक्ष्यित वैयक्तिक இலக்கு தனிநபர் Individuo mirato نشانہ انفرادی۔ લક્ષ્યાંકિત વ્યક્તિગત Ukierunkowana osoba Цільова особа فردی هدفمند ടാർഗെറ്റുചെയ്ത വ്യക്തിഗത ಉದ್ದೇಶಿತ ವೈಯಕ್ತಿಕ ਨਿਸ਼ਾਨਾ ਵਿਅਕਤੀਗਤ ඉලක්කගත තනි පුද්ගලයෙකි Individual vizat Məqsədli Fərdi Gerichte persoon บุคคลเป้าหมาย Kowane mutum da aka yi niyya |
See our Top 100 TI websites list. https://www.targetedjustice.com/top-100-ti-websites.html Facebook groups: https://www.targetedjustice.com/facebook-groups-for-tis.html ICATOR.be - Belgium www.Icator.be TI Events https://tievents.org/ TI Street https://tistreet.com/ Targeted Massachusetts Website: www.TargetedMassachusetts.org Conference calls and support Dr Katherine Horton on youtube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCjWJntgTFLL-gPofpru_iYg Kerry Cassidy & Project Camelot http://projectcamelotportal.com/ Westcoast OSEH Website: http://www.westcoast-oseh.com/ Citizens Against Harmful Technology Website: www.citizensaht.org PACTSntl.org www.PACTSntl.org ICAACT International Center Against Abuse of Covert Technologies www.icaact.org Richard Lighthouse - free ebooks www.RLighthouse.com Tired of the Main Stream Media & Fake News?
Targeted Justice recommends Alternative News Sites: Site Links 21st Century Wire Activist Post Anti War Anti-Media Collective Evolution Common Dreams Conscious Life News David Icke Geoengineering Watch Global Research Know More News Mint Press News Natural News No More Fake News Press For Truth RT Storm Clouds Gathering The Conscious Resistance The Corbett Report The Free Thought Project https://theintercept.com/ The Mind Unleashed Titus Frost Truthout Truthstream Media Underground World News Veteran’s Today Wake Up World Waking Times We Are Change WikiLeaks Zero Hedge www.thefederalist.com |