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Revision to the QAM model.
1. QAM pattern is due to a blinking universe at 1.1 THz.
2. Red mass values are engineering estimates +/- 20%.
3. Evidence is already available in existing data at SLAC, Fermi & CERN.
4. Some particle lifetimes are much less than 1 trillionth of second.
5. Nyquist-Shannon theory requires sample rate of 2.2 Thz or faster
6. Cameras at CERN: 40 million frames/second is too slow.
7. Mathematical pattern of particle masses may be similar to hyperbolic function.
8. High pass/low pass filter creates a "mass trap" for detection.
9. Supersymmetry is present, but not shown on this table.
10. DARPA has been stealing my intellectual property for many years. RICO organization.
1. QAM pattern is due to a blinking universe at 1.1 THz.
2. Red mass values are engineering estimates +/- 20%.
3. Evidence is already available in existing data at SLAC, Fermi & CERN.
4. Some particle lifetimes are much less than 1 trillionth of second.
5. Nyquist-Shannon theory requires sample rate of 2.2 Thz or faster
6. Cameras at CERN: 40 million frames/second is too slow.
7. Mathematical pattern of particle masses may be similar to hyperbolic function.
8. High pass/low pass filter creates a "mass trap" for detection.
9. Supersymmetry is present, but not shown on this table.
10. DARPA has been stealing my intellectual property for many years. RICO organization.
Rev 10.1
Rev 10.3
Rev 10.4
Seth Quotes (Jane Roberts) relevant to this table:
“...dream reality is as valid and real as waking reality.”
- Seth Material, Chapter 14
“Entropy does not exist. It is the appearance of an effect within the physical perspectives, that seemingly unusable energy helps form your dream universe. That energy from which you seem to get no work physically, that energy which seems to diminish in value, is plowed backward into inwardness, regenerated and used to form universes without which you could not exist, even as physical beings.”
- Early Sessions, Session 109, November 23, 1964
“They are, if you prefer, incipient particles that have not yet emerged into matter.”
- Seth Speaks, Chapter 5, Session 524, April 20, 1970
“The connections between the dreaming self and the waking self, and between the dream universe and the physical universe, exist on chemical, electromagnetic and psychic levels. They are completely interwoven. Effects in one are reflected in the other(s)."
CAUTION: The government criminals have likely placed tracking tags on the files and images of this website.
Comments on the 1024-QAM Periodic Table
10 April 2024, Rev 2
1) It looks like the Clara and Stanford particles might be neutrinos. Does this mean that all fourth particles (IV) are neutrinos, or just 4 of them? It seems likely then that the Top Boson is also a heavy neutrino.
I am leaning towards - only 4. This template would then apply to the supersymmetry side.
2) The Top Quark is obviously a Boson. They will figure it out.
3) Supersymmetry particles in the 9th thru 16th mass groups probably have very short lives. This may readily explain one of the difficulties in identifying them. A faster "camera system" at CERN or FERMI should reveal something.
4) Theodore Lach's equation, at first seemed very promising, but I now believe it is not correct. We can estimate the mass values of unidentified particles, and using an invention called a "Mass Trap" - we may be able to isolate them. A Mass Trap would be a device that only allows a mass of a narrow range of values to pass thru - sort of like a low pass and high pass filter together creating a narrow range.
5) If it can be isolated, the Grand particle is possibly so large that it can be seen with the naked eye, under certain conditions. It is possibly as large as a single cell. Is it possibly as large as the entire calculated universe? = 0.272 mm (0.01")
6) In schematic theory, the 3 universes of Matter, Antimatter, and Dream, can be fitted together like a "Y" shape, where the Dream universe is in the middle and "feeding" particles into the universes of matter and antimatter. The question remains - how do parallel universes "fit" together with these schematics? Does the Dream universe also feed the parallel universes? This seems necessary for the universes to be related.
7) Is there any method to prove the existence of Massless particles in the Dream universe? It seems like a very challenging problem... Perhaps monitoring the influx of particles at the E point - might show evidence of the particles acquiring mass.
8) Seth said that by closely watching the neutral line (C and E points) we should be able to glimpse into the universe of antimatter. A very interesting prospect...
9) The Mass Groups of the Dream Universe cannot really be called that. Perhaps "Energy Groups" is a better term.
10) It seems odd that there are only 512 particles in the Dream Universe. A more elegant solution would seem to be, the same number of particles. There must be a valid reason for this? Do mass particles need to appear in pairs for some reason?
11) Our entire universal design seems to be structured around counting in "tens" and orders of magnitude. Why would every intelligent race necessarily count in "tens"? They might learn to count in Base 2 or Base 8...
12) The next easiest particles to identify should be Tetra, Nu, and Upsilon. These were the first 3 that I predicted. The mass range suggests they are easy to find. They might already be hidden in the data of previous experiments at CERN and FERMI.
13) In 1991, theOh-My-God particle's energy was estimated as(3.2±0.9)×10^20 eV. This amount of ~100 FeV, lines up nicely with the 1024-QAM Model. It may have been an sStrange particle, the heavyweight counterpart of the Strange particle.
14) At least seven similar events (energy 5.7×10^19eV or greater) have been recorded.
15) Quanta Magazine notes that, "And HAWC does not probe perhaps the most puzzling aspect of the earlier data: a mysterious narrow dip in the gamma-ray signal at frequencies of 1 trillion trillion hertz. (10^24)" This value coincides with the last mass group (mass group 16) in the 1024-QAM table at 100 ZeV. Beyond this mass group, there are no more elementary particles - and this explains the dip. This provides further evidence that the 1024-QAM Model is correct.
This also suggests that some of the vibrations found in frequencies of 10^12 thru 10^23 are likely from elementary particles as predicted by the 1024-QAM model. For example, if there are 4 peaks in the range of 100 ZeV thru 990 ZeV, then this may be evidence of the 4 particles - Wino, Zino, Higgsino, & Grand.
Seth on "particles"
1. “Any investigation of the basic inner universe, which is the only real universe, must be done as much as possible from a point outside your own distortions … To get outside your own universe, you must travel inward … Your so-called scientific, so-called objective experiments can continue for an eternity, but they will only probe further and further with camouflage [physical] instruments into a camouflage universe … The subconscious, it is true, has elements of its own distortions, but these are easier to escape than the tons of distortive camouflage atmosphere that weigh your scientific experiments down.”
The Early Sessions; Session 45.
2. No particular physical particle exists for any amount of time.
No particular physical particle has any kind of durability.
TES2 Session 60 June 8, 1964
3. The framework is so woven that each particle is dependent upon every other. [...]
[...] It is the developer of all abilities and at the risk of being trite, it is the responsibility of even the most minute particle of consciousness to use its own abilities, and all of its abilities to the utmost
TES1 Session 29 February 26, 1964
4. I have said that, first of all, molecules and atoms and even smaller particles, have a condensed consciousness. [...] The molecules and atoms and even smaller particles, all contain their separate consciousness. […] This goes on ad infinitum, and yet even the lowest particle retains its own individuality, and is not stripped of any ability.
TES2 Session 50 May 4, 1964
5. If we may speak in an analogy, then these particles have two faces. If you consider them as soldiers guarding the barriers or the boundaries, then you would have to imagine a strange creature, our particle, as a soldier on a boundary facing toward and away from the country in question.
[...] The inner alignment and electromagnetic structure of such particles is the main issue that allows them to be, or to operate within, two different units or systems. And while these particles act as resistant boundary forces, they are also uniting forces, forming so to speak the connective tissue that both separates and unites.
These identifying particles, as we will call them, that both close about a system yet still unite it to other systems, these particles are also inherent properties of any unit or system.
TES3 Session 114 December 14, 1964
6. These coordinate points — absolute, main, or subordinate — represent accumulations or traces of pure energy, minute to an extreme if you are thinking in terms of size — smaller than any particle of which your scientists know for example, but composed of pure energy. [...]
[...] They are, if you prefer, incipient particles that have not yet emerged into matter.
SS Part One: Chapter 5: Session 524, April 20, 1970
7. There are indeed universes composed of such faster-than-light particles. [...] You simply would not perceive such particles as mass. When these particles are slowed down sufficiently, you do experience them as matter.
SS Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 581, April 14, 1971
8. While this may sound quite sacrilegious scientifically, it is possible to understand the electron’s nature and greater reality by using certain focuses of consciousness: by probing the electron, for example, with a “laser” [beam] of consciousness finely focused and attuned — and more will be said about this later in the book.
UR1 Section 3: Session 703 June 12, 1974
9. So can the human self appear in several places at once,5 each such appearance subtly altering the “human” particle, so that each appearance is a version of an “original” self that as itself never appears in those terms.6 When you look at an electron — figuratively speaking — you are observing a trace or a track of something else entirely, and that appearance is termed an electron. [...] In a way, then, you are as ghostly as an electron.
UR2 Section 5: Session 722 November 27, 1974
10. “Subatomic particles,” however, appear in your present, rippling into your system’s dimensions, creating their own “tracks,” which scientists then try to observe. In some cases, unknowingly, your scientists are close to observing the birth of time effects within your system."
UR2 Section 5: Session 722 November 27, 1974
11. This section also includes discussions on the True Dream-Art Scientist, the True Mental Physicist, and the Complete Physician, as well as material on subatomic particles and the spin of electrons in relationship to perceived reality.
UR2 Introductory Notes by Robert F. Butts, 1974
12. The behavior of electrons, for example, will elude your technological knowledge — for in deepest terms what you will “perceive” will be a facade, an appearance or illusion. So far, within the rules of the game, you have been able to make your “facts” about electrons work. To follow their multidimensional activity however is another matter — (humorously:) a pun — and you need, if you will forgive me, a speedier means.
UR1 Section 3: Session 702 June 10, 1974
13. Electrons, for example, are slow dullards in comparison with EE units.1 It goes without saying that the units of consciousness are “mental,” or if you prefer, disembodied, though from their inner organization all physical forms emerge. [...]
[...] Now the same applies to these units of consciousness — and to atoms, molecules, electrons, and other such phenomena.
UR1 Section 1: Session 684 February 20, 1974
14. If physical form is made up of such multitudinous, invisible particles, how much more highly organized must be the inner components of consciousness, without whose perceptions matter itself would be meaningless. The alliances of consciousness, then, are far more vast than those of particles in any form.
TPS4 Deleted Session July 3, 1978
15. Every visible or invisible particle has consciousness according to its own scale of reality. Each particle, visible or invisible, is awareized energy. This is most difficult to explain, but like, say, the units of some multidimensional computer, each visible or invisible particle carries within it the knowledge of all other particles, including their positions, and their probable positions.
[...] There is then an almost instantaneous flow of information throughout such particles. [...]
That same information is available on a cellular basis (pause), and to the smaller particles that make up the bodies of the experimenters, and the structure of the instruments.
TPS5 Deleted Session April 30, 1979
16. Each unit of consciousness inherently possesses within itself all of the information available to the whole, and its specific nature when it operates as a particle rests upon that great “body” of inner knowledge. Any one such particle can be where it “is,” be what it is, and be when it is only because the positions, relative positions, and situations of all other such particles are known.
These EE units also operate as fields, as waves, or as particles, as the units of consciousness do—but in your terms they are closer to physical orientation. [...] There are literally numberless steps taken before EE units combine in their own fashion to form the most microscopic physical particles, and even here the greatest, gentlest sorting-out process takes place as these units disentangle themselves at certain operational levels (underlined) from their own greater fields of “information,” to specialize in the various elements that will allow for the production of atoms and molecules impeccably suited to your kind of world.
[...] All of these units of consciousness, again, operate as entities (or particles, or as waves or forces).
DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 890, December 19, 1979
17. It is fashionable to say that some scientific laws can be proven at microscopic levels, where, for example, small particles can be accelerated far beyond [their usual states]. But you quite studiously ignore that feeling exists on microscopic levels, that there can be psychological particles, much less come to the conclusion that all particles are psychological particles, with their own impetuses for development and value fulfillment. [...]
(9:23.) If the simplest particle is so endowed with impetus, with hidden ideals that seek fulfillment, then what about the human being?
NoME Part Three: Chapter 9: Session 866, July 18, 1979
18. All That Is composes the fabric of the universe—which is everywhere unified, since nothing exists outside of it, and every wave or particle, or field or whatever within it, consists of a divine psychological fabric that is populated by individuation, sensation, meaning, intent, in which the most innocuous shadow of an electron rises up joyfully and shouts “I am I, and not you.”
TPS5 Deleted Session September 20, 1978
19. Consciousness is within the tiniest particle, whatever its life conditions seem to be, or however it might seem to lack those conditions you call living.
[.I know that each smallest “particle” of consciousness can never be broken down, and that each contains an infinite capacity for creativity and development — and that each is innately blessed.
NotP Chapter 11: Session 796, March 7, 1977
20. Electrons in your terms are precognitive, and so is your cellular consciousness. Your body’s relative permanence in time is dependent upon the electron’s magnificent behavior as it deals with probabilities.
DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 888, December 10, 1979
21. "...some particles live for far less than a trillionth of a second."
DEaVF1 Chapter 2: Session 884, October 3, 1979
22. The varieties of consciousness—the inner “psychological particles,” the psychic equivalent, say, of the atom or molecule, or proton, neutron or quark—these nonphysical, charmed, strange forms of consciousness that make experience go up or down (all with amusement), and around and around, are never of course dealt with.
The atom, the molecule, the proton and neutron, the electrons, the quarks and other families of particles represent aspects of consciousness itself, which man then projects into the world of physics.
TPS4 Deleted Session July 3, 1978
23. Beyond certain levels it is almost meaningless to speak in terms of particles, but I will for now use the term “invisible particles” because you are familiar with it. Invisible particles, then, form the foundation of your world. The invisible particles that I am referring to, however, have the ability to transform themselves into mass,1 or to divest themselves of it. And the invisible particles of which I speak not only possess consciousness—but each one is, if you will, a seed that contains within itself a potential for an infinite number of gestalts. Each such invisible particle contains within itself the potential (pause) to embark upon an infinite number of probable variations of consciousness. To that degree such psychological particles are at that stage unspecialized, while they contain within themselves the innate ability to specialize in whatever direction becomes suitable.
DEaVF2 Chapter 8: Session 915, May 12, 1980
24. All particles will try to combine with each other in as many different probable ways as possible.
The same applies to all “psychological” particles, to units of consciousness, and to their affiliations within personality.
TPS5 Session 898 (Deleted Portion) January 30, 1980
25. The atoms and molecules are forever moving, and in a way the electrons are the directors of that motion.
WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 13, 1984
26. Each unit of consciousness (or CU) intensifies, magnifies its own intent to be—and, you might say, works up from within itself an explosive spark of primal desire that “explodes” into a process that causes physical materialization. It turns into what I have called [an] EE unit,1 in which case it is embarked upon its own kind of physical experience.
DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 890, December 19, 1979
27. These EE units also operate as fields, as waves, or as particles, as the units of consciousness do—but in your terms they are closer to physical orientation. Their die is cast, so to speak: They have already begun the special kind of screening process necessary that will bring about physical form. They begin to deal with the kinds of information that will help form your world. There are literally numberless steps taken before EE units combine in their own fashion to form the most microscopic physical particles, and even here the greatest, gentlest sorting-out process takes place as these units disentangle themselves at certain operational levels (underlined) from their own greater fields of “information,” to specialize in the various elements that will allow for the production of atoms and molecules impeccably suited to your kind of world.
Units of consciousness (CU’s), transforming themselves into EE units, formed the environment and all of its inhabitants in the same process, in what you might call a circular manner rather than a serial one. And in those terms, of course, there are only various physical manifestations of consciousness, not a planet and its inhabitants, but an entire gestalt of awareized consciousness.
DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 890, December 19, 1979
Seth Quotes (Jane Roberts) relevant to this table:
“...dream reality is as valid and real as waking reality.”
- Seth Material, Chapter 14
“Entropy does not exist. It is the appearance of an effect within the physical perspectives, that seemingly unusable energy helps form your dream universe. That energy from which you seem to get no work physically, that energy which seems to diminish in value, is plowed backward into inwardness, regenerated and used to form universes without which you could not exist, even as physical beings.”
- Early Sessions, Session 109, November 23, 1964
“They are, if you prefer, incipient particles that have not yet emerged into matter.”
- Seth Speaks, Chapter 5, Session 524, April 20, 1970
“The connections between the dreaming self and the waking self, and between the dream universe and the physical universe, exist on chemical, electromagnetic and psychic levels. They are completely interwoven. Effects in one are reflected in the other(s)."
- Early Sessions, Session 178, August 16, 1965
CAUTION: The government criminals have likely placed tracking tags on the files and images of this website.
Comments on the 1024-QAM Periodic Table
10 April 2024, Rev 2
1) It looks like the Clara and Stanford particles might be neutrinos. Does this mean that all fourth particles (IV) are neutrinos, or just 4 of them? It seems likely then that the Top Boson is also a heavy neutrino.
I am leaning towards - only 4. This template would then apply to the supersymmetry side.
2) The Top Quark is obviously a Boson. They will figure it out.
3) Supersymmetry particles in the 9th thru 16th mass groups probably have very short lives. This may readily explain one of the difficulties in identifying them. A faster "camera system" at CERN or FERMI should reveal something.
4) Theodore Lach's equation, at first seemed very promising, but I now believe it is not correct. We can estimate the mass values of unidentified particles, and using an invention called a "Mass Trap" - we may be able to isolate them. A Mass Trap would be a device that only allows a mass of a narrow range of values to pass thru - sort of like a low pass and high pass filter together creating a narrow range.
5) If it can be isolated, the Grand particle is possibly so large that it can be seen with the naked eye, under certain conditions. It is possibly as large as a single cell. Is it possibly as large as the entire calculated universe? = 0.272 mm (0.01")
6) In schematic theory, the 3 universes of Matter, Antimatter, and Dream, can be fitted together like a "Y" shape, where the Dream universe is in the middle and "feeding" particles into the universes of matter and antimatter. The question remains - how do parallel universes "fit" together with these schematics? Does the Dream universe also feed the parallel universes? This seems necessary for the universes to be related.
7) Is there any method to prove the existence of Massless particles in the Dream universe? It seems like a very challenging problem... Perhaps monitoring the influx of particles at the E point - might show evidence of the particles acquiring mass.
8) Seth said that by closely watching the neutral line (C and E points) we should be able to glimpse into the universe of antimatter. A very interesting prospect...
9) The Mass Groups of the Dream Universe cannot really be called that. Perhaps "Energy Groups" is a better term.
10) It seems odd that there are only 512 particles in the Dream Universe. A more elegant solution would seem to be, the same number of particles. There must be a valid reason for this? Do mass particles need to appear in pairs for some reason?
11) Our entire universal design seems to be structured around counting in "tens" and orders of magnitude. Why would every intelligent race necessarily count in "tens"? They might learn to count in Base 2 or Base 8...
12) The next easiest particles to identify should be Tetra, Nu, and Upsilon. These were the first 3 that I predicted. The mass range suggests they are easy to find. They might already be hidden in the data of previous experiments at CERN and FERMI.
13) In 1991, theOh-My-God particle's energy was estimated as(3.2±0.9)×10^20 eV. This amount of ~100 FeV, lines up nicely with the 1024-QAM Model. It may have been an sStrange particle, the heavyweight counterpart of the Strange particle.
14) At least seven similar events (energy 5.7×10^19eV or greater) have been recorded.
15) Quanta Magazine notes that, "And HAWC does not probe perhaps the most puzzling aspect of the earlier data: a mysterious narrow dip in the gamma-ray signal at frequencies of 1 trillion trillion hertz. (10^24)" This value coincides with the last mass group (mass group 16) in the 1024-QAM table at 100 ZeV. Beyond this mass group, there are no more elementary particles - and this explains the dip. This provides further evidence that the 1024-QAM Model is correct.
This also suggests that some of the vibrations found in frequencies of 10^12 thru 10^23 are likely from elementary particles as predicted by the 1024-QAM model. For example, if there are 4 peaks in the range of 100 ZeV thru 990 ZeV, then this may be evidence of the 4 particles - Wino, Zino, Higgsino, & Grand.
Seth on "particles"
1. “Any investigation of the basic inner universe, which is the only real universe, must be done as much as possible from a point outside your own distortions … To get outside your own universe, you must travel inward … Your so-called scientific, so-called objective experiments can continue for an eternity, but they will only probe further and further with camouflage [physical] instruments into a camouflage universe … The subconscious, it is true, has elements of its own distortions, but these are easier to escape than the tons of distortive camouflage atmosphere that weigh your scientific experiments down.”
The Early Sessions; Session 45.
2. No particular physical particle exists for any amount of time.
No particular physical particle has any kind of durability.
TES2 Session 60 June 8, 1964
3. The framework is so woven that each particle is dependent upon every other. [...]
[...] It is the developer of all abilities and at the risk of being trite, it is the responsibility of even the most minute particle of consciousness to use its own abilities, and all of its abilities to the utmost
TES1 Session 29 February 26, 1964
4. I have said that, first of all, molecules and atoms and even smaller particles, have a condensed consciousness. [...] The molecules and atoms and even smaller particles, all contain their separate consciousness. […] This goes on ad infinitum, and yet even the lowest particle retains its own individuality, and is not stripped of any ability.
TES2 Session 50 May 4, 1964
5. If we may speak in an analogy, then these particles have two faces. If you consider them as soldiers guarding the barriers or the boundaries, then you would have to imagine a strange creature, our particle, as a soldier on a boundary facing toward and away from the country in question.
[...] The inner alignment and electromagnetic structure of such particles is the main issue that allows them to be, or to operate within, two different units or systems. And while these particles act as resistant boundary forces, they are also uniting forces, forming so to speak the connective tissue that both separates and unites.
These identifying particles, as we will call them, that both close about a system yet still unite it to other systems, these particles are also inherent properties of any unit or system.
TES3 Session 114 December 14, 1964
6. These coordinate points — absolute, main, or subordinate — represent accumulations or traces of pure energy, minute to an extreme if you are thinking in terms of size — smaller than any particle of which your scientists know for example, but composed of pure energy. [...]
[...] They are, if you prefer, incipient particles that have not yet emerged into matter.
SS Part One: Chapter 5: Session 524, April 20, 1970
7. There are indeed universes composed of such faster-than-light particles. [...] You simply would not perceive such particles as mass. When these particles are slowed down sufficiently, you do experience them as matter.
SS Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 581, April 14, 1971
8. While this may sound quite sacrilegious scientifically, it is possible to understand the electron’s nature and greater reality by using certain focuses of consciousness: by probing the electron, for example, with a “laser” [beam] of consciousness finely focused and attuned — and more will be said about this later in the book.
UR1 Section 3: Session 703 June 12, 1974
9. So can the human self appear in several places at once,5 each such appearance subtly altering the “human” particle, so that each appearance is a version of an “original” self that as itself never appears in those terms.6 When you look at an electron — figuratively speaking — you are observing a trace or a track of something else entirely, and that appearance is termed an electron. [...] In a way, then, you are as ghostly as an electron.
UR2 Section 5: Session 722 November 27, 1974
10. “Subatomic particles,” however, appear in your present, rippling into your system’s dimensions, creating their own “tracks,” which scientists then try to observe. In some cases, unknowingly, your scientists are close to observing the birth of time effects within your system."
UR2 Section 5: Session 722 November 27, 1974
11. This section also includes discussions on the True Dream-Art Scientist, the True Mental Physicist, and the Complete Physician, as well as material on subatomic particles and the spin of electrons in relationship to perceived reality.
UR2 Introductory Notes by Robert F. Butts, 1974
12. The behavior of electrons, for example, will elude your technological knowledge — for in deepest terms what you will “perceive” will be a facade, an appearance or illusion. So far, within the rules of the game, you have been able to make your “facts” about electrons work. To follow their multidimensional activity however is another matter — (humorously:) a pun — and you need, if you will forgive me, a speedier means.
UR1 Section 3: Session 702 June 10, 1974
13. Electrons, for example, are slow dullards in comparison with EE units.1 It goes without saying that the units of consciousness are “mental,” or if you prefer, disembodied, though from their inner organization all physical forms emerge. [...]
[...] Now the same applies to these units of consciousness — and to atoms, molecules, electrons, and other such phenomena.
UR1 Section 1: Session 684 February 20, 1974
14. If physical form is made up of such multitudinous, invisible particles, how much more highly organized must be the inner components of consciousness, without whose perceptions matter itself would be meaningless. The alliances of consciousness, then, are far more vast than those of particles in any form.
TPS4 Deleted Session July 3, 1978
15. Every visible or invisible particle has consciousness according to its own scale of reality. Each particle, visible or invisible, is awareized energy. This is most difficult to explain, but like, say, the units of some multidimensional computer, each visible or invisible particle carries within it the knowledge of all other particles, including their positions, and their probable positions.
[...] There is then an almost instantaneous flow of information throughout such particles. [...]
That same information is available on a cellular basis (pause), and to the smaller particles that make up the bodies of the experimenters, and the structure of the instruments.
TPS5 Deleted Session April 30, 1979
16. Each unit of consciousness inherently possesses within itself all of the information available to the whole, and its specific nature when it operates as a particle rests upon that great “body” of inner knowledge. Any one such particle can be where it “is,” be what it is, and be when it is only because the positions, relative positions, and situations of all other such particles are known.
These EE units also operate as fields, as waves, or as particles, as the units of consciousness do—but in your terms they are closer to physical orientation. [...] There are literally numberless steps taken before EE units combine in their own fashion to form the most microscopic physical particles, and even here the greatest, gentlest sorting-out process takes place as these units disentangle themselves at certain operational levels (underlined) from their own greater fields of “information,” to specialize in the various elements that will allow for the production of atoms and molecules impeccably suited to your kind of world.
[...] All of these units of consciousness, again, operate as entities (or particles, or as waves or forces).
DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 890, December 19, 1979
17. It is fashionable to say that some scientific laws can be proven at microscopic levels, where, for example, small particles can be accelerated far beyond [their usual states]. But you quite studiously ignore that feeling exists on microscopic levels, that there can be psychological particles, much less come to the conclusion that all particles are psychological particles, with their own impetuses for development and value fulfillment. [...]
(9:23.) If the simplest particle is so endowed with impetus, with hidden ideals that seek fulfillment, then what about the human being?
NoME Part Three: Chapter 9: Session 866, July 18, 1979
18. All That Is composes the fabric of the universe—which is everywhere unified, since nothing exists outside of it, and every wave or particle, or field or whatever within it, consists of a divine psychological fabric that is populated by individuation, sensation, meaning, intent, in which the most innocuous shadow of an electron rises up joyfully and shouts “I am I, and not you.”
TPS5 Deleted Session September 20, 1978
19. Consciousness is within the tiniest particle, whatever its life conditions seem to be, or however it might seem to lack those conditions you call living.
[.I know that each smallest “particle” of consciousness can never be broken down, and that each contains an infinite capacity for creativity and development — and that each is innately blessed.
NotP Chapter 11: Session 796, March 7, 1977
20. Electrons in your terms are precognitive, and so is your cellular consciousness. Your body’s relative permanence in time is dependent upon the electron’s magnificent behavior as it deals with probabilities.
DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 888, December 10, 1979
21. "...some particles live for far less than a trillionth of a second."
DEaVF1 Chapter 2: Session 884, October 3, 1979
22. The varieties of consciousness—the inner “psychological particles,” the psychic equivalent, say, of the atom or molecule, or proton, neutron or quark—these nonphysical, charmed, strange forms of consciousness that make experience go up or down (all with amusement), and around and around, are never of course dealt with.
The atom, the molecule, the proton and neutron, the electrons, the quarks and other families of particles represent aspects of consciousness itself, which man then projects into the world of physics.
TPS4 Deleted Session July 3, 1978
23. Beyond certain levels it is almost meaningless to speak in terms of particles, but I will for now use the term “invisible particles” because you are familiar with it. Invisible particles, then, form the foundation of your world. The invisible particles that I am referring to, however, have the ability to transform themselves into mass,1 or to divest themselves of it. And the invisible particles of which I speak not only possess consciousness—but each one is, if you will, a seed that contains within itself a potential for an infinite number of gestalts. Each such invisible particle contains within itself the potential (pause) to embark upon an infinite number of probable variations of consciousness. To that degree such psychological particles are at that stage unspecialized, while they contain within themselves the innate ability to specialize in whatever direction becomes suitable.
DEaVF2 Chapter 8: Session 915, May 12, 1980
24. All particles will try to combine with each other in as many different probable ways as possible.
The same applies to all “psychological” particles, to units of consciousness, and to their affiliations within personality.
TPS5 Session 898 (Deleted Portion) January 30, 1980
25. The atoms and molecules are forever moving, and in a way the electrons are the directors of that motion.
WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 13, 1984
26. Each unit of consciousness (or CU) intensifies, magnifies its own intent to be—and, you might say, works up from within itself an explosive spark of primal desire that “explodes” into a process that causes physical materialization. It turns into what I have called [an] EE unit,1 in which case it is embarked upon its own kind of physical experience.
DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 890, December 19, 1979
27. These EE units also operate as fields, as waves, or as particles, as the units of consciousness do—but in your terms they are closer to physical orientation. Their die is cast, so to speak: They have already begun the special kind of screening process necessary that will bring about physical form. They begin to deal with the kinds of information that will help form your world. There are literally numberless steps taken before EE units combine in their own fashion to form the most microscopic physical particles, and even here the greatest, gentlest sorting-out process takes place as these units disentangle themselves at certain operational levels (underlined) from their own greater fields of “information,” to specialize in the various elements that will allow for the production of atoms and molecules impeccably suited to your kind of world.
Units of consciousness (CU’s), transforming themselves into EE units, formed the environment and all of its inhabitants in the same process, in what you might call a circular manner rather than a serial one. And in those terms, of course, there are only various physical manifestations of consciousness, not a planet and its inhabitants, but an entire gestalt of awareized consciousness.
DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 890, December 19, 1979
New eBook from Richard Lighthouse
Home Power Generator using "Zero-Point Energy. |
This calculation was provided by a PhD at UC Santa Barbara in the Physics Dept.
He developed this equation after reading about my approach using Electron Spin Resonance - my method calculated the frequency to be about 1.039 THz. In my opinion, his method is more accurate.
Calculate the Blinking Frequency - One Mathematical Approach:
The anthropic principle states that observations of our physical universe should be compatible with the life (us) that observes it. Using the Anthropic Principle, we can demonstrate a "fundamental" energy with the fundamental temperature/freezing point of water, and the Boltzmann constant:
3 * 8.62E-05 eV/K * 273.15 K = 70.614 meV
and then convert this into a frequency using the Planck constant
70.614 meV/ (hbar * pi^4) = 1.1 THz
Note that pi^4 is pi^D, where D is the number of spacetime dimensions.
The full equation can be found in "Blinking Universe: Alternate Mathematical Solution" and this is an approximation. Experimental tests need to be performed to determine the precise frequency. Using the Anthropic Principle, the calculated value is approximately: 1,101,361,642,963.57 Hz
Time Travel: An Approximate Mathematical Solution
The Discovery of Parallel Universes
Gravity & Electromagnetism - Unified
1024 Elementary Particles
The main reason that CERN has not discovered these particles, is because their "camera system" runs at 40 million frames per second (40 MHz). This is much too slow. In a blinking universe at 1.1 THz, the minimum camera frame rate is 2.2 THz, per Nyquist-Shannon theory. The "camera system" needs to be much faster and must be redesigned.
Brief Discussion on the Nature of Time
New: On 23 July 2020, Richard Lighthouse began sending the world's first, trans-universe signal. By utilizing the sub-harmonics of the Lighthouse frequency (1.101 THz), it is possible to send a weak pulse signal instantly, to all points in the universe. Surely there are advanced civilizations that can hear this signal. Let's find out who's listening...
1) Use a Signal Generator to perform an RF sweep between 1075 MHz - 1076 MHz. (Target is 1075.5485 MHz)
Step Time = 1 millisecond
Step Size = 1000 Hz
Alternately, perform a RF sweep at 4302.1 MHz - 4302.3 MHz (Target is 4302.1939 MHz)
List of eBooks by Richard Lighthouse
Ebooks listed by Smashwords Number:
Smash Date Title
No. Pub.
1 374500 11/04/13 Mathematical Solution Unifying the Four Fundamental
2 374520 11/04/13 Preliminary Model for Grand Unified Theory (GUT)
3 376189 11/09/13 Time Travel: An Approximate Mathematical Solution
4 376192 11/09/13 Prototype Design for a Time Machine
5 376593 11/10/13 The Discovery of Parallel Universes
6 377399 11/12/13 Faster-Than-Light Travel: The Basic Mechanics
7 379747 11/19/13 The Lighthouse Law of Variance
8 381595 11/25/13 The End of Time: A Historical Note
9 381599 11/25/13 The Speed of Light in the Electrical Universe
10 389639 12/18/13 Experimental Method for Determination of the Lighthouse
11 392428 12/28/13 Recommendations for Tau 9 Treaty Negotiations
12 403365 01/30/14 Massless Travel
13 404386 02/02/14 Corrections for Einstein's Relativity Theory
14 404444 02/02/14 The Single Cure: Human Life Extension to 300+ Years
15 407938 02/12/14 The Use of Time-Forwarding to Place Satellites in Orbit
16 409583 02/17/14 Minimizing Energy Requirements for Time Travel
17 409589 02/17/14 Preliminary Investigation into the Nature of Time
18 442962 05/29/14 Elementary Particles: Cracking the Code
19 446575 06/09/14 Elementary Particle Model for 8-Dimensional Universe
20 447537 06/12/14 Anomalous Magnetic Moment: Source and Explanation
21 449199 06/17/14 The King of Time
22 449983 06/19/14 Elementary Particles: The 4th Spin Type
23 455651 07/07/14 Photonic Travel: Riding on a Beam of Light
24 461826 07/27/14 The First Periodic Table for Elementary Particles
25 465722 08/08/14 Elementary Particles and Probabilities of Appearance
26 465801 08/09/14 Elementary Particles: Solving the Antimatter Problem
27 473912 09/06/14 1024 Elementary Particles
28 476013 09/13/14 How to Travel Faster than Light
29 482241 10/04/14 Sterile Neutrinos, AntiNeutrinos, and the QAM Model
30 482489 10/05/14 A Vehicle for Time Travel
31 483210 10/08/14 Synthetic Food Production: Solving Global Hunger
32 485357 10/16/14 The Approaching Singularity
33 486656 10/21/14 Housing for the Urban Homeless
34 487973 10/26/14 How to Travel through Time
35 491685 11/09/14 Warp Factor 10: Travel Faster than Light
36 499924 12/08/14 The Council of Planetary Governors
37 511594 01/17/15 Elementary Particles: Proposed Nomenclature for the Mass
38 512080 01/19/15 Elementary Particles: Estimates for Mass Groups 9 & 10
39 512164 01/19/15 Elementary Particles: Estimates for Mass Group 11
40 516871 02/04/15 The CIA Guide for Discrediting Ebook Authors
41 521500 02/21/15 New Standard Model for Elementary Particles
42 596393 11/27/15 Blinking Universe: Alternate Mathematical Solution
43 610307 01/24/16 Technical Description of the Infrared Laser used on the
44 622932 03/15/16 City in the Sky: Basic Theory and Design for a Floating City
45 644894 06/20/16 Presidential Directive 51 & FEMA Prison Camps
46 647891 07/03/16 CIA Offices 2929 Allen Parkway Houston Texas
47 656100 08/04/16 CIA in Camp Logan Neighborhood
48 658225 08/14/16 The Ends Never Justify the Means
49 667551 09/22/16 Cell Phone Hacking & the Nazi Stasi Academy (NSA)
50 672713 10/16/16 Speed of Light Increasing 3 Meters per Second Each Year
51 674773 10/23/16 Ebooks Published on Smashwords & Lulu by Richard
52 675095 10/24/16 Richard Lighthouse Ebooks Blocked from
53 676963 10/30/16 Lloyd's Banking Group in London
54 679993 11/08/16 Fraud on the London Stock Exchange
55 680460 11/09/16 The Top Quark is a Boson
56 681430 11/13/16 Terraforming the Atmosphere of Venus
57 685215 11/25/16 Time Travel 101
58 686759 12/01/16 Classification System for Parallel Universes
59 687359 12/04/16 Rockefeller & Rothschild Dirty Money on the London Stock
60 691611 12/23/16 Targeted Individuals: Technical Information
61 693519 01/01/17 12 Ebooks Deserving the Nobel Prize
62 695281 01/08/17 The Universe is Not Expanding
63 696635 01/14/17 Pearland Houses: My Opinion
64 698114 01/21/17 Seth Discusses Quasars, Black Holes, & Entropy
65 698610 01/23/17 Graduation from the Reincarnational Cycle
66 701911 02/05/17 Handout on World Trade Center & 9-11
67 705025 02/18/17 Door Hanger for World Trade Center & 9-11
68 705171 02/19/17 Installing & Running Detekt: My Experience
69 706585 02/25/17 Technology Solution for Global Hunger
70 706910 02/26/17 NSA & CIA Blocking Distribution of Ebooks
71 707423 02/28/17 Interesting Business on County Road 831
72 708743 03/05/17 More Hacking from the Nazi Stasi Academy (NSA)
73 712623 03/19/17 34 Patents on Subliminal Mind Control
74 717097 04/08/17 The Mechanics of Reality Construction
75 727398 05/29/17 Clowns, Idiots, Assholes (CIA) & the Smoking Gun
76 728690 06/05/17 Clowns, Idiots, Assholes (CIA) &
77 732090 06/24/17 Treason at the CIA
78 735306 07/09/17 The Microwave Torture of Ed Snowden & Julian Assange
79 738308 07/25/17 The Consulate of Lebanon in Houston: Israeli Agents?
80 740990 08/07/17 Anthony Knight: Fictional Character
81 742186 08/13/17 Advice About Gangstalking: Targeted Individuals
82 742467 08/14/17 Rockefeller & Rothschild – Global Stock Data, November 2016
83 743790 08/21/17 How to Identify Microwave Satellites: Targeted Individuals
84 744654 08/26/17 FBI - Another Fake Terror Plot
85 744814 08/27/17 Gravity & Electromagnetism Unified
86 748165 09/14/17 Targeted Individuals: How to Fight Back
87 748308 09/15/17 The Math & Physics of New Weapons
88 748648 09/17/17 The Titanic CIA Ship is Sinking
89 750083 09/25/17 Clowns, Idiots, Assholes (CIA) &
90 750108 09/25/17 “I Will Only React to Constructive Suggestions:” Targeted Individuals
91 751394 10/02/17 Ebook Template
92 751479 10/02/17 Government Criminals & Craigslist - Used Computers
93 751490 10/02/17 Government Criminals & Adobe Voco
94 752217 10/17/17 October 2017 - Richard Lighthouse Ebooks on Smashwords
95 753122 10/12/17 Abolish the Federal Reserve
96 755355 10/25/17 Manipulation of Secondary Personalities
97 757450 11/05/17 Brief Discussion on the Nature of Time
98 757833 11/07/17 Cell Towers and Targeted Individuals
99 761510 11/26/17 Psychiatric Fraud
100 779798 01/14/18 Faces of the Deep State: Key People in the Targeted Individuals Program
101 780640 01/16/18 Targeted Individuals & Air Force Space Command
102 783248 01/22/18 Treason at the Air Force Space Command
103 788124 02/04/18 Estimated Numbers: Targeted Individuals & the Terrorist Watchlist
104 793960 02/19/18 Clowns, Idiots, & Assholes (CIA) in Aurora, Colorado 80016
105 796540 02/25/18 More Officers at Air Force Space Command
106 814700 04/12/18 The Actual Size of the Universe
107 815638 04/14/18 Targeted Individuals: How to Block the Microwaves & Jam the Tracking Signal
108 831050 05/21/18 Satellites & Weapons of the Air Force Space Command
109 832998 05/26/18 Procedures for Replicating Any Form or Structure
110 841386 06/15/18 Mathematical Solution for Time Travel
111 889319 08/13/18 Daily Log of Microwave Assaults
112 893613 09/04/18 Why are Police Lying about Fentanyl?
113 897433 09/24/18 United States Violations of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty
114 902531 10/21/18 Website Hacking - More Clowns, Idiots, & Assholes (CIA)
115 903125 10/24/18 Preliminary Statistics for Targeted Individuals
116 905586 11/07/18 How to Disable Satellite Weapons
117 914461 12/25/18 The Governors of Gangstalking
118 919669 01/24/19 Targeted Individuals: Standard Nomination Form
119 921510 02/03/19 Ten Most Wanted Deep State Criminals
120 926624 03/03/19 Medical Fraud & the Deep State
121 933550 04/10/19 Russian Government Newspaper - Letter to President Trump, Quoting Richard Lighthouse
122 938717 05/10/19 10 Reasons Prove the Watchlist is a Fraud
123 (deleted by Smashwords) Massive Fraud at AT&T
124 953946 08/15/19 Scalar Weapons & Targeted Individuals
125 960293 09/28/19 Underground Portals of the USAF and CIA
126 987623 10/23/19 Microwave Burns on the Face
Time Travel: An Approximate Mathematical Solution
The Discovery of Parallel Universes
Gravity & Electromagnetism - Unified
1024 Elementary Particles
The main reason that CERN has not discovered these particles, is because their "camera system" runs at 40 million frames per second (40 MHz). This is much too slow. In a blinking universe at 1.1 THz, the minimum camera frame rate is 2.2 THz, per Nyquist-Shannon theory. The "camera system" needs to be much faster and must be redesigned.
Brief Discussion on the Nature of Time
New: On 23 July 2020, Richard Lighthouse began sending the world's first, trans-universe signal. By utilizing the sub-harmonics of the Lighthouse frequency (1.101 THz), it is possible to send a weak pulse signal instantly, to all points in the universe. Surely there are advanced civilizations that can hear this signal. Let's find out who's listening...
1) Use a Signal Generator to perform an RF sweep between 1075 MHz - 1076 MHz. (Target is 1075.5485 MHz)
Step Time = 1 millisecond
Step Size = 1000 Hz
Alternately, perform a RF sweep at 4302.1 MHz - 4302.3 MHz (Target is 4302.1939 MHz)
List of eBooks by Richard Lighthouse
Ebooks listed by Smashwords Number:
Smash Date Title
No. Pub.
1 374500 11/04/13 Mathematical Solution Unifying the Four Fundamental
2 374520 11/04/13 Preliminary Model for Grand Unified Theory (GUT)
3 376189 11/09/13 Time Travel: An Approximate Mathematical Solution
4 376192 11/09/13 Prototype Design for a Time Machine
5 376593 11/10/13 The Discovery of Parallel Universes
6 377399 11/12/13 Faster-Than-Light Travel: The Basic Mechanics
7 379747 11/19/13 The Lighthouse Law of Variance
8 381595 11/25/13 The End of Time: A Historical Note
9 381599 11/25/13 The Speed of Light in the Electrical Universe
10 389639 12/18/13 Experimental Method for Determination of the Lighthouse
11 392428 12/28/13 Recommendations for Tau 9 Treaty Negotiations
12 403365 01/30/14 Massless Travel
13 404386 02/02/14 Corrections for Einstein's Relativity Theory
14 404444 02/02/14 The Single Cure: Human Life Extension to 300+ Years
15 407938 02/12/14 The Use of Time-Forwarding to Place Satellites in Orbit
16 409583 02/17/14 Minimizing Energy Requirements for Time Travel
17 409589 02/17/14 Preliminary Investigation into the Nature of Time
18 442962 05/29/14 Elementary Particles: Cracking the Code
19 446575 06/09/14 Elementary Particle Model for 8-Dimensional Universe
20 447537 06/12/14 Anomalous Magnetic Moment: Source and Explanation
21 449199 06/17/14 The King of Time
22 449983 06/19/14 Elementary Particles: The 4th Spin Type
23 455651 07/07/14 Photonic Travel: Riding on a Beam of Light
24 461826 07/27/14 The First Periodic Table for Elementary Particles
25 465722 08/08/14 Elementary Particles and Probabilities of Appearance
26 465801 08/09/14 Elementary Particles: Solving the Antimatter Problem
27 473912 09/06/14 1024 Elementary Particles
28 476013 09/13/14 How to Travel Faster than Light
29 482241 10/04/14 Sterile Neutrinos, AntiNeutrinos, and the QAM Model
30 482489 10/05/14 A Vehicle for Time Travel
31 483210 10/08/14 Synthetic Food Production: Solving Global Hunger
32 485357 10/16/14 The Approaching Singularity
33 486656 10/21/14 Housing for the Urban Homeless
34 487973 10/26/14 How to Travel through Time
35 491685 11/09/14 Warp Factor 10: Travel Faster than Light
36 499924 12/08/14 The Council of Planetary Governors
37 511594 01/17/15 Elementary Particles: Proposed Nomenclature for the Mass
38 512080 01/19/15 Elementary Particles: Estimates for Mass Groups 9 & 10
39 512164 01/19/15 Elementary Particles: Estimates for Mass Group 11
40 516871 02/04/15 The CIA Guide for Discrediting Ebook Authors
41 521500 02/21/15 New Standard Model for Elementary Particles
42 596393 11/27/15 Blinking Universe: Alternate Mathematical Solution
43 610307 01/24/16 Technical Description of the Infrared Laser used on the
44 622932 03/15/16 City in the Sky: Basic Theory and Design for a Floating City
45 644894 06/20/16 Presidential Directive 51 & FEMA Prison Camps
46 647891 07/03/16 CIA Offices 2929 Allen Parkway Houston Texas
47 656100 08/04/16 CIA in Camp Logan Neighborhood
48 658225 08/14/16 The Ends Never Justify the Means
49 667551 09/22/16 Cell Phone Hacking & the Nazi Stasi Academy (NSA)
50 672713 10/16/16 Speed of Light Increasing 3 Meters per Second Each Year
51 674773 10/23/16 Ebooks Published on Smashwords & Lulu by Richard
52 675095 10/24/16 Richard Lighthouse Ebooks Blocked from
53 676963 10/30/16 Lloyd's Banking Group in London
54 679993 11/08/16 Fraud on the London Stock Exchange
55 680460 11/09/16 The Top Quark is a Boson
56 681430 11/13/16 Terraforming the Atmosphere of Venus
57 685215 11/25/16 Time Travel 101
58 686759 12/01/16 Classification System for Parallel Universes
59 687359 12/04/16 Rockefeller & Rothschild Dirty Money on the London Stock
60 691611 12/23/16 Targeted Individuals: Technical Information
61 693519 01/01/17 12 Ebooks Deserving the Nobel Prize
62 695281 01/08/17 The Universe is Not Expanding
63 696635 01/14/17 Pearland Houses: My Opinion
64 698114 01/21/17 Seth Discusses Quasars, Black Holes, & Entropy
65 698610 01/23/17 Graduation from the Reincarnational Cycle
66 701911 02/05/17 Handout on World Trade Center & 9-11
67 705025 02/18/17 Door Hanger for World Trade Center & 9-11
68 705171 02/19/17 Installing & Running Detekt: My Experience
69 706585 02/25/17 Technology Solution for Global Hunger
70 706910 02/26/17 NSA & CIA Blocking Distribution of Ebooks
71 707423 02/28/17 Interesting Business on County Road 831
72 708743 03/05/17 More Hacking from the Nazi Stasi Academy (NSA)
73 712623 03/19/17 34 Patents on Subliminal Mind Control
74 717097 04/08/17 The Mechanics of Reality Construction
75 727398 05/29/17 Clowns, Idiots, Assholes (CIA) & the Smoking Gun
76 728690 06/05/17 Clowns, Idiots, Assholes (CIA) &
77 732090 06/24/17 Treason at the CIA
78 735306 07/09/17 The Microwave Torture of Ed Snowden & Julian Assange
79 738308 07/25/17 The Consulate of Lebanon in Houston: Israeli Agents?
80 740990 08/07/17 Anthony Knight: Fictional Character
81 742186 08/13/17 Advice About Gangstalking: Targeted Individuals
82 742467 08/14/17 Rockefeller & Rothschild – Global Stock Data, November 2016
83 743790 08/21/17 How to Identify Microwave Satellites: Targeted Individuals
84 744654 08/26/17 FBI - Another Fake Terror Plot
85 744814 08/27/17 Gravity & Electromagnetism Unified
86 748165 09/14/17 Targeted Individuals: How to Fight Back
87 748308 09/15/17 The Math & Physics of New Weapons
88 748648 09/17/17 The Titanic CIA Ship is Sinking
89 750083 09/25/17 Clowns, Idiots, Assholes (CIA) &
90 750108 09/25/17 “I Will Only React to Constructive Suggestions:” Targeted Individuals
91 751394 10/02/17 Ebook Template
92 751479 10/02/17 Government Criminals & Craigslist - Used Computers
93 751490 10/02/17 Government Criminals & Adobe Voco
94 752217 10/17/17 October 2017 - Richard Lighthouse Ebooks on Smashwords
95 753122 10/12/17 Abolish the Federal Reserve
96 755355 10/25/17 Manipulation of Secondary Personalities
97 757450 11/05/17 Brief Discussion on the Nature of Time
98 757833 11/07/17 Cell Towers and Targeted Individuals
99 761510 11/26/17 Psychiatric Fraud
100 779798 01/14/18 Faces of the Deep State: Key People in the Targeted Individuals Program
101 780640 01/16/18 Targeted Individuals & Air Force Space Command
102 783248 01/22/18 Treason at the Air Force Space Command
103 788124 02/04/18 Estimated Numbers: Targeted Individuals & the Terrorist Watchlist
104 793960 02/19/18 Clowns, Idiots, & Assholes (CIA) in Aurora, Colorado 80016
105 796540 02/25/18 More Officers at Air Force Space Command
106 814700 04/12/18 The Actual Size of the Universe
107 815638 04/14/18 Targeted Individuals: How to Block the Microwaves & Jam the Tracking Signal
108 831050 05/21/18 Satellites & Weapons of the Air Force Space Command
109 832998 05/26/18 Procedures for Replicating Any Form or Structure
110 841386 06/15/18 Mathematical Solution for Time Travel
111 889319 08/13/18 Daily Log of Microwave Assaults
112 893613 09/04/18 Why are Police Lying about Fentanyl?
113 897433 09/24/18 United States Violations of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty
114 902531 10/21/18 Website Hacking - More Clowns, Idiots, & Assholes (CIA)
115 903125 10/24/18 Preliminary Statistics for Targeted Individuals
116 905586 11/07/18 How to Disable Satellite Weapons
117 914461 12/25/18 The Governors of Gangstalking
118 919669 01/24/19 Targeted Individuals: Standard Nomination Form
119 921510 02/03/19 Ten Most Wanted Deep State Criminals
120 926624 03/03/19 Medical Fraud & the Deep State
121 933550 04/10/19 Russian Government Newspaper - Letter to President Trump, Quoting Richard Lighthouse
122 938717 05/10/19 10 Reasons Prove the Watchlist is a Fraud
123 (deleted by Smashwords) Massive Fraud at AT&T
124 953946 08/15/19 Scalar Weapons & Targeted Individuals
125 960293 09/28/19 Underground Portals of the USAF and CIA
126 987623 10/23/19 Microwave Burns on the Face