Time Travel - An Approximate mathematical solution

This amount of energy is placed on the shell housing of the Time Machine while simultaneously vibrating the skin at the Lighthouse Frequency - which is done by using a hyfrecator-type device. The Lighthouse Frequency is embedded in the discharge in the form of a square wave, for example.
An approximate solution has been provided to determine the amount of energy required for time travel. The concept is based upon a blinking universe. A sample problem has been analyzed assuming a time machine with a mass of 160 kg and a time translation of 50 years. [9]
This document is a living document. The author reserves the right to make corrections and changes.
1. Albert Einstein (1905) "Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Körper", Annalen der Physik 17: 891; English translation “On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies” by George Barker Jeffery and Wilfrid Perrett (1923).
2. Richard Lighthouse, “Preliminary Investigation into the Nature of Time,” lulu.com, ebookmall.com; 2010.
3. Richard Lighthouse, “Relativity and Discrete Time Intervals,” amazon.com, 2012.
4. Seth (Jane Roberts) Early Sessions, Book 2, Session 60, 1964. “Matter is continually created, but no particular physical object is in itself continuous... No particular physical particle exists for any amount of time. It exists and disappears, and is instantaneously replaced by another.”
5. Seth (Jane Roberts) Unknown Reality, Volume 1, Session 684, 18 February 1974. “The world literally blinks off and on. This reality of fluctuation in no way bothers your own feeling of consistency, however. The "holes of nonexistence" are plugged up by the process of selectivity.”
6. www.godandscience.org/youngearth/speedlight.html
Reference excel spreadsheet data.
7. Daniel Gezari, Lunar Laser Ranging Test of the Invariance of C, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 2009. Value of c determined to be 299,792,658 +/- 10 m/sec. [different than the traditional constant value]
8. Seth (Jane Roberts) Early Sessions, Session 135, 1965. "Such electrical realities then, through the strength of their intensities and their particular range, are projected into some fields, but not projected into others. Any so-called travel through time involves then, a traveling through such intensities.” [Author’s note: Electrical Intensities = Volts, Range = Amp*sec]
9. Richard Lighthouse, “Prototype Design for a Time Machine,” smashwords.com, 2013.
10. Richard Lighthouse, “Experimental Method for Determination of the Lighthouse Frequency,” smashwords.com, Rlighthouse.com; 2013.
Acknowledgments: The author gratefully acknowledges Seth, Jane Roberts, and Rob Butts for their significant contributions. Also thanks to Dr J. Jerke and Dr R. Bryan for their comments on the math, although they do not necessarily agree with the views expressed in this paper.
About: The author holds a Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree from Stanford University. He can be reached: RLighthouse – at – protonmail.com
This research was supported with a grant from the Foundation Opposed to Academic Puffery (FOAP).
If we assume that we will build up this electric charge on a capacitor, and then discharge it within a single cycle of the Lighthouse Frequency:
@ 10 cents per kWatt*hr
The electricity to make a time translation of 50 years for a single traveler will cost approximately:
= 3.02123E*13 /1000/3600 =
$ 839,230 or nearly 1 Million USD.
Figure 2. The cycle of our universe.